The other day some loon married a tree. (I wonder if he got splinters in his wood?)
Now we have a porn “star” marrying the ocean.
Annie Sprinkle (take one guess why they called her Sprinkle), a hardcore porn actress from the 80s, who still performs public perverse acts at her advanced age,
has married the Pacific ocean. She is the founder of ECOSEX.
ECOSEX- Ecosexuality shares concerns with ecofeminism and ecological feminism, queer ecologies, deep ecology, posthumanism, and other philosophies, critical theories, and perspectives that broaden definitions of sexuality, bring attention to human/nonhuman relations and the sexual behaviors of nonhuman lives, and consider environmentalism in relation to issues of gender, sex, sexuality, and personhood. -wiki
This was a group ceremony consisting of losers, dirtbags, the mentally ill and people who, God willing, might grow out of this idiocy.
If the water in Santa Monica seems a little more “oceany” it’s because Annie consummated her marriage soon after the ceremony.
When is the meteor arriving?
We need to hit the reset button on humanity.
compared to me, attila the hun was a bleeding heart liberal
this anything-goes-perversity is one of the many reasons why
I think this kind of shit is accelerating.
izlamo delenda est …
I guess it’s appropriate for Annie Sprinkle to marry an ocean.
Marrying a litter box might be more appropriate.
Gigantic disgusting fucking mud whales
” “…a little more “oceany”…”
Cracked me up.
Dead fish wash up in mass – news at eleven
My dog just pissed in your husband
Lazlo, that was a belly laugh!….LOL…
Oh great! Now what bathroom does the ocean get?
Sombody… should have slapped her up side the head with a Fish.
WOW thumbs uppy and downy just popped up!
Thanks Mr Hat.
Disappointed, the tide went out … never to return.
So… if someone drowns in the Pacific Ocean wouldn’t that give her a share in legal liability if she was wading on the shore with her spouse when the incident happened. She would be an accomplice.
Without liberals there would be no porn industry
That’s what you get if you let all different dicks tickle your brain for to long. 😉
Idol worship has never gone out of style.