Porn site blocks N.C. users as punishment for bathroom bill – IOTW Report

Porn site blocks N.C. users as punishment for bathroom bill

“I think that porn has the power to do what Bruce Springsteen can’t ” 

oh lawd you stupid

WaTimes: First no Bruce Springsteen concert, now no porn.

The popular pornography site has blocked North Carolina IP addresses since 12:30 p.m. Monday, according to a report in the Huffington Post, in order to punish the state’s porn hounds over the bathroom bill.   MORE

SNIP: Oh no! Where will they go searching for porn now?!
Oh yeah, on the REST of the internet.

24 Comments on Porn site blocks N.C. users as punishment for bathroom bill

  1. To hell with Porn. That said, to hell with Bruce Springsteen. He punished his fans two days prior by cancelling his show. Let’s look at his liberal logic:
    1. He “feels” that his “emotions” are with the “men” who want to be women and go pee with my daughters in their restroom.
    2. He objects to the North Carolina legislature and Governor by cancelling his concert two days in advance.
    3. Thousands of fans have bought tickets and some have already traveled, some will have booked travel and hotel and have already paid to lose that money.
    4. The concert goers get punished. To whom are they angry at this point?
    5. Nice job, Boss.

  2. You know you’ve officially gone down the rabbit hole when a porn site supposedly claims the “moral” high ground and a large chunk of the population believes their claim is legitimate.

  3. Hey, maybe he had to cancel his concert because he had no speech that could justify this:

    “Tonight, I dedicate this song to the trans gendered. The men who think they are women and want to pee with our young daughters. They have a right to do so, and our daughters need to not be afraid and understand it Takes a Leap of Faith! I therefore dedicate this next song to our young ladies and daughters…”

  4. I think this comment that was over at Ace’s hits the nail on the head:

    385 All the talk about bathrooms misses their point.
    Every knee must be made to bend.
    It’s not about the knee.
    It’s not about the bending.
    It’s always about the making.

    Church Ladies off their meds.

    Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at April 11, 2016 03:30 AM (3Mimg)

  5. Looking at the categories at xhamster I was shocked to find many topics dealing with hidden cams in places women are less than fully clothed. Obviously xhamster is worried about new content getting tougher to come by.

  6. There comes a time in one’s life when one has to ask: Which would I rather watch – porn or Bruce Springsteen?

    I think we all know the answer to that question.

    P.S. – Bad_Brad for the win!


  7. I just checked. I get a box that says this:

    “The Incredible Hypocrisy of North Carolina
    The land where Homophobia is Law
    2016 North Carolina GAY categories views 319 907
    2016 North Carolina SHEMALE categories views 491 295
    2016 North Carolina searches contain GAY 50 612
    2016 North Carolina searches contain SHEMALE 48 585
    North Carolina! Stop Your Homophobic Insanity!

    I closed the box and the porn streams. Why do so many ugly people wanna get naked on the internets…ewww!

    I got a screen shot of the box if you want it MJA.

  8. Lack of porn somewhere gets noticed by some people on the left and thinks it’s a big deal.

    Huffpo thinks it’s big and runs with it.

    We wouldn’t even know one porn site was blocking N.C. if it wasn’t for the perverts on the left ranting about it.

    Sigh. Lefties, fuck off and keep to yourselves. You’re like physically huge 4 year-olds in mind and deed.

  9. for the last several days/week, every time I empty my yahoo trash and spam folders, there’s a bruce springsteen add that says some things are more important than a rock show. GFY

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