Portland Accidentally Puts Out ‘Racist’ Ad Despite Spending Millions On Diversity – IOTW Report

Portland Accidentally Puts Out ‘Racist’ Ad Despite Spending Millions On Diversity

DC: Portland, Oregon’s public school system yanked an advertisement encouraging high school dropouts to come back, after critics claimed it was racist for not featuring white people.

The ads promoted the Reconnect Campaign, which urges students who dropped out to return to school and finish their diplomas.

“Have you left high school before graduating?” the ad asks. “Portland Public Schools wants you back!”

It may seem innocent enough, but critics are outraged because the ad features a photo of four people, all of whom are black or Hispanic. The district itself is only 35 percent black, Hispanic, or multiracial, which caused people to complain the ad was based on a racist stereotype of non-whites being unable to finish high school.


7 Comments on Portland Accidentally Puts Out ‘Racist’ Ad Despite Spending Millions On Diversity

  1. The crickets are chirping in Portland! What they really mean by that ad is they don’t really care if whites do come back and finish high school only minorities! Now that is racist

  2. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, this is too funny. When I ask the beautiful people about the Cambodians in Lowell, they blame our country and will not admit that this was the only place they could come to and the Khmer Rouge was a product of the Viet Minh! Allright progs, go blame Whitey! Pun intended!

  3. “The district is 35% black..but what percentage of dropouts are black?..96%?..excuse us ”

    Even at 100% black yutes, they forgot the pc rules set by progressive hollyweird. Only whites males get the roles of dumb and incompetant portrayed to the public.

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