Portland anti-Trump demonstration ends in gunfire following fourth night of protests – IOTW Report

Portland anti-Trump demonstration ends in gunfire following fourth night of protests

WashingtonTimes: Gunfire broke out during an anti-Donald Trump protest in Portland, Oregon early Saturday and resulted in a man being hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, according to law enforcement.

The Portland Police Bureau said the incident unfolded on the Morrison Bridge early Saturday morning when an altercation occurred between protesters and the occupants of a vehicle.

“Preliminary information indicates that a suspect was in a vehicle on the bridge and there was a confrontation with someone in the protest. The suspect got out of the vehicle and fired multiple shots injuring the victim,” police said in a statement Saturday.

Neither the victim’s identity nor the name of a suspect were immediately disclosed, but police said they were searching for a possible gunman described as an African American male in his late teens wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.

Saturday’s shooting occurred toward the tail end of a protest waged in Portland several hours earlier in opposition to Donald Trump being elected the next president of the United States.  read more

15 Comments on Portland anti-Trump demonstration ends in gunfire following fourth night of protests

  1. Stupid idiots never thought about gang bangers getting pissed off about the traffic jam they were creating. lol

    I’d like to see a ’64 Chevy with hydraulics bounce right over those sons of bitches.

  2. This is all the work of George Soros. Bob Ivakian, Carl Dix, Move on.Org, and the Revolutionary Communist Party USA. A good Attorney General with balls could shut these motherfuckers down in a day.

  3. @Moe Tom — Patience, dear friend. Patience. Just a few short months…

    So this dumb woman named Cocoa was on Judge Jeanine tonight, screaming about how all the anti-Trumpers were desperately afraid of the Trump supporters’ violence and vitriol. And I’m thinking, “But?…Huh?…Uh, I’m not seeing any Trump supporters out on the streets burning stuff and throwing bricks and beating people up.” Did I miss something? Where are all the violent Trump people?

    “Bueller? Bueller?”

  4. Rabid monkeys rarely make any sense. When will the Israelis and their Mossad join the Russians in the manhunt? and they need to take down the entire pit of vipers, soros and his sons. confiscate their assets under the sedition acts and focus on the DEAD part of dead or alive. i know it will be like NEVER for our CIA to get into the hunt, given cleaning out the swamp needed first with the DOJ and Loretty. Lawsuits have been entered into courts across the world against old Soros. His party is coming to the inevitable crash.

  5. It’s the Barry’s Kids telethon. What we see going on today is evidence that Eight years of Bathroom Barry contantly flinging his latest Politically Correct Poop du Jour at America demonstrates that is was only ever about Mayhem, Havoc & Chaos to Distract, Divide and Destroy. “Unity” never had a chance!

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