Portland Antifa Rioters Torch Apple Store, Fire Guns from Cars – IOTW Report

Portland Antifa Rioters Torch Apple Store, Fire Guns from Cars

Neon Nettle-

Antifa ravaged Portland with another night of rioting, gunfire, and arson, as police were powerless to stop it despite advanced warnings.

On Friday, the violent far-left mob set fire to a portable toilet that spread to an Apple Store.

The fire was just one of multiple fires caused by the Antifa.

On Friday evening, Portland Police Bureau officials issued a warning that a planned “Direct Action” by Antifa could lead to a “high fire danger.” more

17 Comments on Portland Antifa Rioters Torch Apple Store, Fire Guns from Cars

  1. I haven’t been to Portland since the mid 80’s and I’m not going back anytime soon. Not even to go to Powell’s bookstore which I loved when I lived there for a year in 1971-72. I also used to go to Seattle quite often since I have a brother who used to live there but since he’s retired he’s living in the suburbs with his girl friend and has a cabin in Cle Elum where he can escape to get away from the big city. And besides in Seattle the traffic on 405 is atrocious. And to think that once upon a time back in the 80’s I felt safe visiting Seattle with my family, not anymore.

  2. Don’t worry about it….

    If it’s Antifa, it’s all pre-approved by the local ‘government’.

    Get used to it, the ‘government’ trusts them much more than they trust you.

  3. I just talked to a friend in Ohio today and he had no idea that there are still “protests” going on in Portland and Seattle.

    It’s not discussed on NPR. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  4. Illustr8r, you must be pretty resilient to the liberal viewpoint. It sounds like you have regular communication with them. I’ve alienated just about all the libs in my life. Turns out they don’t appreciate my perspective.

  5. @joe6pak They are childhood friends and being an only child are equal to a brother or sister. So, we tread lightly with politics. There are chances to hit them with facts not found on CNN, Twitter or NPR. They grudgingly agree with me sometimes. My BFF’s Twitter feed is a horror show but she’d do anything for me or my parents. Same with my NPR friend.

    For local (Seattle) longtime friends however this same tactic doesn’t apply. We’ve been disappeared from their lives. There are cordial exchanges every 6 months or two years. Our lack of enthusiastic support of progressive thought during face to face encounters and through social media disclosed our wrongthink.

    We know who our real friends are and few exist now in Seattle anymore. It’s sad.

  6. Just wait until the summer of love that is coming up. The left is going to push hard.
    I think outside of the big city’s it’s not going to fly so we’ll. The left voted for this let them reap what they voted for.
    Push back is coming me thinks.

  7. Money talks. I won’t go to Portland. Seattle, Chicago, Washington DC, New York, Minnesota, San Francisco….Families will rethink plans to these lost cities over safety. Time to plan trips to Florida.

  8. Isn’t it amazing how the wordsmiths at the Portland Police Bureau managed to issue all these warnings and damage reports without ever mentioning Antifa/BLM by name? I’m surprised they didn’t blame white supremacists.


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