Portland Bar Apologizes After Tossing Patron Out For Being a Bathroom Stall Peeper – IOTW Report

Portland Bar Apologizes After Tossing Patron Out For Being a Bathroom Stall Peeper

Why did a bar apologize after tossing out a bathroom stall peeper? Because the peeper was transgender!!

Everyone knows transgenders are above reproach and incapable of doing anything immoral!!!


I wouldn’t go to this bar anymore. They do not have the best interests of their customers in mind.


ht/ jd hasty


8 Comments on Portland Bar Apologizes After Tossing Patron Out For Being a Bathroom Stall Peeper

  1. I don’t give a flying damn how old my two girls are, they know that if some pervert is peeping under a locked bathroom stall door at them that they can call dear old dad and I will personally jump in the truck and show up (likely with help) and post beatdown the peeper will go into convulsions if they even think about doing it again

  2. Former Mayor Sam Adams boinked some kid in a bathroom stall and got away with it. So now every kind of pervert moves to Portland so they can get away with stuff like this. By the way, the bar in this article? Caters to the absolute dregs of society in a most repulsive part of town.

  3. Just a reminder to the ladies where they are on the special privilege ladder, below that of the LGBTetc group which has risen up a number of rungs in the past 20 years.

    I wonder whether women will start passing up that bar bearing in mind that some perv peeping is likely the least of the unfortunate things that could happen to one in establishments allowing men to use the women’s facilities.


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