Portland Dirtbags Occupying ICE Facility Are Flicked Aside and Rounded Up By LAW ENFORCEMENT – IOTW Report

Portland Dirtbags Occupying ICE Facility Are Flicked Aside and Rounded Up By LAW ENFORCEMENT

Daily Caller-

Federal officers in riot gear took federal action Thursday to liberate and reopen an embattled Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Portland, Oregon.

Authorities “initiated a law enforcement action to reopen the federal facility” on SW Macadam Avenue at approximately 5:30 a.m. Thursday, Federal Protective Service spokesman Robert Sperling told local outlet KGW8 in a prepared statement.

Authorities blocked off the road and began driving out the demonstrators and dismantling their camp, The Oregonian reports.

Protesters tried to form a human chain to block off the building, but they backed down when law enforcement asked them to move.

Police detained several protesters, including several individuals who refused to cooperate, according to another local outlet KATU News, citing a Department of Homeland Security official. Police are not removing all the protesters, merely those occupying federal property.


16 Comments on Portland Dirtbags Occupying ICE Facility Are Flicked Aside and Rounded Up By LAW ENFORCEMENT

  1. “Protesters tried to form a human chain to block off the building, but they backed down when law enforcement asked them to move.”

    This happened when they realized they were not dealing with a testicle shortage.

  2. All FEDERAL police. No City of Portland police. They were only a few blocks from the Willamette river and the Feds did not even think of rounding up protesters and bull dozing them to the river. What were they thinking?

  3. Too bad the FedGov police didn’t use the proper weaponry: bean bag shotgun rounds, tazers, paint ball pellets. That would have been fun to watch. Stoopidity should be painful.

  4. Looking at Jail & Mug Shot websites now to locate their mug photos. If these match up with others physically destructive protests, then there is a RICO violation.


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