Portland safety commissioner blasts $7 MILLION budget for new syringes, homeless tents – IOTW Report

Portland safety commissioner blasts $7 MILLION budget for new syringes, homeless tents


Portland‘s Public Safety Commissioner slammed Multnomah County’s proposed budget of $4 billion because of its allocation of more than $5 million for syringes and nearly $2 million for tents.  

Rene Gonzalez wrote a letter to the Multnomah County Chair and Board of Commissioners, requesting them to rethink these two budget items before approving the 2025 budget, per KATU. Gonzalez noted that not only are taxpayers funding the tents and syringes, but they’re also paying for the city’s cleanup of the mess, which is a never-ending vicious cycle all at the cost of taxpayers.  

Portland’s Public Safety Commissioner explained that “taxpayers should be paying attention” to the budget because “they’re paying on both ends.” At an anticipated cost of $1.7 million, the first program, called “Safety on the Streets,” would provide sleeping bags, tarps, and tents to homeless individuals.   more

12 Comments on Portland safety commissioner blasts $7 MILLION budget for new syringes, homeless tents

  1. You can buy a box of 100 syringes on Amazon for less than 15 buks…that’s $.15 per syringe. My calculator blew up….
    That doesn’t allow for guvmint overhead (grift) tho.

  2. Portland’s mayor to San Francisco’s mayor “hold my beer.” Super majority of Portland voters don’t know, don’t care. Free-shitters, drug addicts, and bums are attracted to Multnomah County’s bum magnets.

  3. Nothing they give homeless people doesn’t end up as trash on the streets.
    They didn’t buy it and they don’t have to clean it up, they Don’t Care and they hate you that you don’t do enough for them.
    Life lesson- caring for somebody that doesn’t care about themselves is a waste of your time/taxes and resources.


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