Portland showboats their lofty virtues as city falls apart – IOTW Report

Portland showboats their lofty virtues as city falls apart

Oregon Catalyst: Most Oregonians are starting to feel it in their bones. If you live outside the urban core, chances are that you too avoid the downtown areas of Portland like the plague, not because of COVID, but rather because of the rising crime and alarming filth. But sooner or later we all get a view of the hell that too many of our homeless citizens live in every day. Sometimes we see it from the highway as we drive to the airport and up into Washington. Sometimes we see it on the west side of downtown if we have to get to an appointment with some professional, maybe a doctor or lawyer who hasn’t abandoned ship yet like so many of their peers. Or maybe there’s a store we need to visit on the east side of town.

Walking through these camps is a whole different experience from a drive-by: depressing, dangerous, sad. more – with photos.

13 Comments on Portland showboats their lofty virtues as city falls apart

  1. As bad as the pictures are, they don’t do justice to how bad the shithole of Portland has become. You need to see it with your own eyes to really appreciate what liberalism leads to.

  2. Ya well, Denver has areas that are Porlandesque and they just got the MLB All Star Game. All of which can be visited as you go to Coors field for the event…..Portland needs a faggot governor to get the special benefits….

  3. Walking through Seattle a couple months ago and seeing identical mounts of needles, poop everywhere especially on the stairways into the tram, several rehab clinics(teaching how to inject into your ass) and the walking dead shambling around like zombies, I’m afraid it’s not far behind.

    I used to go to Portland one or two times/year to use the glass making facilities at Uroborous. I always enjoyed finding a nice place to dine in the city. Such a pretty city with a big river that ran right through it.

    I owned about a 1/2 sq block a few blocks from Coors Field. Sold it in 2001, the fucking illegals were overwhelming and that was 20 years ago. Was just there a couple weeks ago, man, what a shithole.

  4. I have friends coming out from Ohio to visit in July. I told them to avoid downtown Seattle. I don’t go there and neither should they. I didn’t offer a sightseeing tour either. If they insist on going, they are on their own. They’ve been warned.

  5. My last experience with downtown Portland was 1983….even then the bums were lining the streets and begging.

    At the time I was visiting my ‘girlfriend’ and I complained about the situation. She told me to file a complaint to the city council….

    I never filed a complaint, it’s obvious they already knew about the problem….I never went back for Portland or the girlfriend.

  6. Portland can be cleaned up if City employees, teachers, MSM employees, and democrat officials were all forced to spend 25% of their time on the clock cleaning up homeless camps. Portland would not have a problem if not for them. They are responsible for this mess.

  7. Got our home up for sale south of Spokane. Even it’s turning into a shithole as the druggie/homeless overflow from Seattle and Portland finds it’s way to town. Grew up on a ranch in Whitman County and WA is in my blood. Not the same anymore and hasn’t been since mail-in voting with nearly zero GOP members voted into statewide office since (except the sec of state), go figure. As far as moving to OR? Thought about it, laughed about it, and forgot about it. Off to ID or MT when the place sells. Won’t look back.

  8. @HungJumper Sorry to hear that the libtard insanity is spreading east of the mountains. We’re selling an investment property in King County. No more renting to irresponsible idiots, paying property taxes to King County or dealing with WA states’ “we hate landlord” policies. My property manager won’t say it fully out loud but he’s transitioning his biz from managing to selling his owners properties. We are all fed up and fleeing.


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