Portrait of a Hollywood A-Lister… I Mean A-Hole – IOTW Report

Portrait of a Hollywood A-Lister… I Mean A-Hole

ht/ c. steven tucker

14 Comments on Portrait of a Hollywood A-Lister… I Mean A-Hole

  1. There are rules.

    Adults don’t address their mothers as ‘Mommy’. Children do that. Mom is fine. The other is a developmental issue.

    I might have pissed somebody off with that comment. I just think the ‘mommy’ thing is weird.

    I’m somewhat judgmental if you haven’t noticed.

  2. I want to put Biden,Clintons,Pisslousey,Scmuckles
    the clown,Coumholes and Soreass and many others in REAL F***ING

  3. These lunatics just make crap up. I guarantee her kid did NOT say that; it is embarrassing how crazy these people are. Just like freaky Nancy Pelosi claiming her grandchildren say “open Joe”. What horsesh**, why don’t they have any shame? Or at the very least, keep their mouths shut? So tiresome.

  4. These “Hollywood Experts” need to remember their eminence as performers does not translate to being experts at anything but performing.
    They’re still just one step above court jester.


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