POS Human Garbage Tosses Man in Wheelchair To Ground After His POS Wife Parks in Handicap Spot Yet Demands Apology – IOTW Report

POS Human Garbage Tosses Man in Wheelchair To Ground After His POS Wife Parks in Handicap Spot Yet Demands Apology

Bury this a-hole under the jail.

ht/ jd hasty

25 Comments on POS Human Garbage Tosses Man in Wheelchair To Ground After His POS Wife Parks in Handicap Spot Yet Demands Apology

  1. Attempted kidnapping and assault…let’s not forget attempted homicide. Nail this mo-fo’s ass to the wall. The Darwinian jungle culture that these people live in and perpetuate is destroying civilized discourse and civilized communities. They’re animals.

  2. I read somewhere else he busted the guy’s wrist when he threw him to the ground. When politicians make people believe they’re entitled because of their minority status, then exactly what does anyone expect when they act that way?

  3. Damn! I spend eight years telling black people that they are entitled to act out in any way they see fit when they feel they are disrespected and this shit happens. No justice, no peace!

  4. Jimmie R. Tiger II apparently has some anger management issues. He has a 2015 arrest in Merced County for throwing a substance at/on a car.

    I reckon 15 years in stir will calm him down. For 15 years.

  5. mrmittens,

    Reminds me of a story from yesterday’s news over in St Pete. An amateur but trained boxer, a huge black man, has forcibly raped at least two women that he chose at random. And beat them severely while he was at it, cuz he’s a boxer, see. But he’s in custody.

  6. CCEA

    Concealed Carry Everywhere and Always, because even an innocent glance in the wrong direction may be disrespectful to the violent sociopathic retarts among us.

    2020 is off to an encouraging start.

  7. What makes disabled guy in wheel chair think he’s entitled to a Handicap spot? If he wants a no-questions-asked permit he has to go to the Welfare office on Martin Luther King Boulevard like everyone else. Sarc/off. Am I the only one tired of seeing young, physically capable blacks taking up all the handicap spots? Time to increase fines, tow offending cars.


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