POS who kicked helpless man in face insists he did nothing wrong- begs for money – IOTW Report

POS who kicked helpless man in face insists he did nothing wrong- begs for money


h/t Nunyo Bidness –
Portland Police Arrest Violent Rioter ‘Keese’ Love for Brutal Attack on Driver.

This shitstain is still on the run.


A 25-year-old man who remains at large after police identified him as the suspect who knocked out another man during violent demonstrations in Portland, Ore., on Sunday, has apparently taken to social media to beg for financial help.

In a post on SnapChat, Love insists he did nothing wrong.

“Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him,” Love purportedly wrote, according to an image obtained by The Sun.  “Look it up on Twitter put money on my books and come see me.”

Video footage of the Sunday night’s violent attack shows someone appearing to be Love coming behind Haner as he is kneeling in the street and kicking him in the face.

Haner’s girlfriend said that they were in his truck when he spotted a woman being mugged and stopped to help. An angry mob set their attention on the couple. Haner got back in the truck and drove away but apparently crashed in a pursuit.


37 Comments on POS who kicked helpless man in face insists he did nothing wrong- begs for money

  1. Frigging whiners. Think they should be able to get away with anything.
    Brought up with no conscience or moral compass of right and wrong.
    Stupid soy boy, can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

  2. I bet he has that same sense of inferiority the Barky & Crap-on-Dick have of missing parent & cultural identity.

    Regardless, I hope he has a very very horrible death. There is nothing worth saving on this defect.

  3. I’d contribute to a bounty on that shitstain, and give moral support to a contract hit. Hoping LE contribution is nothing more than a chalk outline, body bag and coroner’s report.

  4. “…”Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him,” Love purportedly wrote…”

    Fight him my ass, you ran up to him from several yards away and booted his head like it was a kickoff in football game. Your victim never saw you coming. And even if he had there was nothing he could do because had been thoroughly mugged previously by you and your criminal antifag thugs.

    It’s all on video fool, now turn yourself in and let the Aryan Brotherhood welcome you to your new home.

  5. P R I S O N – A full sentence for assault and battery / attempted homicide. Make an example of this punk. Throw his ass in the worst prison in the state. Then we can see how tough he is when the guards look the other way.

  6. If this dung ball really thinks he dindu nuffin wrong. I like to see his reaction after conviction. When his sentence is announced to be kicked in the face. Before being sent to his room for a very long time.

  7. It’s time to bring back the label “Wanted for Attempted Murder – Dead or Alive with a hefty bounty posted. I’ll bet he would be brought to Justice within a week. Time to get serious about getting rid of habitual violent criminals like this scumbag.

  8. Hard to spin this as “I was just fighting him.” Video everywhere, so will you find this won’t be a talking contest in the hood that your friends would go along with because he was white.
    You will loose. Next

  9. stirrin the pot’s on the right path here. “All I did was fight him” is that loser trying to convince others that it was a fair fight. Probably doesn’t like the accurate names he’s being called on social media. Ragdoll that mutha fxcker.

  10. Some days, I think, the ancient historical no limit measures that applied to criminals legally declared “outlaws” seems needed, at least for a time, to be revived for other scum like this one, and worse, across the country.

    There’s a long list. SOBs mentioned in many iotwR post would be a start.

    “In historical legal systems, an outlaw is one declared as outside the protection of the law.
    In pre-modern societies, all legal protection was withdrawn from the criminal, so that anyone is legally empowered to persecute or kill them. Outlawry was thus one of the harshest penalties in the legal system…”

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw .

    And here my bet is – most people thought an outlaw was another name for a criminal who did bad stuff outside the limits of the law.

    When instead the outlaw rules, meant there were no limits, no rules applied to LEOs or private citizens who had the desire, courage, and the skills to rid society of its more destructive trouble makers. Outlaw rules legally allowed honest people to go after criminals using the criminals’ own law book, of no laws.

    Even Cain got off easier after killing Abel.

  11. Most Americans cannot think of our world without civility. I think we seem to be heading there. It will affect almost everyone and the outcome is uncertain. I suppose that the UN will be involved.
    Trying to right the ship can be a roll of the dice and pretty messy. I’m sure there’ll be enough misery to go around. Thank a communist.

  12. I’d like to kick him in the Head while wearing my Steal Toed Boots! Only Racists are all those Marxist protesters that have never had a real job in Their entire life!

  13. Brad – “…It won’t last long enough for them to get here…”

    I sincerely hope you are right. The UN wants our destruction just as badly as George Soros and his minions do.

  14. stirrin the pot

    People are FED UP. They are good to go. Our Sheriff already met with BLM and told them he could no longer guarantee their safety. He’s not lying.

  15. Brad –

    I live in what was a previously rural city (many years ago), south of Nashville, which exploded with the growth of the region. Fortunately we are staunchly conservative and have strong support from the Mayor and police.

    We have a Confederate statue in our downtown “circle”, which the blm/antifa fucks have been trying (very weakly) to protest. We have a large contingent of armed good ol’ boys who have met their efforts every time to turn them back.

    Each time the blm/antifags get a little more organized, and this last time our police department had to respond with an overwhelming message that basically sent them back home to their mommies and closets.

    They will not quit until they are completely eradicated and marginalized.

  16. stirrin the pot

    They keep showing up here because our county seat, Placerville, has a nick name. Hangtown. Doesn’t have shit to do with hanging anyone of color, it’s the heart of the Gold Rush area. Last time they visited pissed off rednecks got there before the cops did. A few protestors were hurt. No charges filed. The Red Necks know when they’re coming because BLM arranges all it’s shit on Facebook. LOL

  17. Hey – POS! Welcome to your first night of prison. Get ready to hear this!

    “Fresh Fish. Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish!”



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