Possible Trump VP Pick Sen. J.D. Vance Reveals Strategy to Win Election with Working Class Rust Belt Voters – IOTW Report

Possible Trump VP Pick Sen. J.D. Vance Reveals Strategy to Win Election with Working Class Rust Belt Voters


DETROIT, Michigan — Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), a possible vice presidential pick for former President Donald Trump, told Breitbart News exclusively here at the Turning Point Action People’s Convention this weekend that he would gladly accept the nod from Trump if the former president asks him to be his running mate. Either way, though, Vance made clear that no matter what his role is in the future he intends to be “part of that vanguard” defending Trump’s America First populist policies from Democrats and old guard establishment Republicans alike. more

18 Comments on Possible Trump VP Pick Sen. J.D. Vance Reveals Strategy to Win Election with Working Class Rust Belt Voters

  1. Here’s the problem I see with some of these contenders. Does J.D. Vance do the conservative movement more good in his current position under a Trump admin then removing him for a VP spot? I’m thinking quite possibly.

  2. I’d rather Vance remain a senator. We need to keep the House and take back the Senate to undo some of the damage that’s been done. I’d say Doug Burghum, the governor of North Dakota or De. Ben Carson.

  3. Trump will enter office as a Lame Duck. He’s gonna need a really strong VP to help get anything thing done, someone who looks electable in ’28 to carry forward his agenda. Most of the names that have been mentioned I don’t think are a good fit. If I had to pick I think I’d go with either Me, or Doug Burghum.

  4. Brad, it takes time to get things done through congress without a large majority & I’m not convinced of flipping or even gaining much ground in Nov. The dems could very well hold both chambers and cause as much more chaos than usual, because 4 years in their time is short. That’s why DJT needs a strong VP.

  5. I like Ben Carson, I think he has more spirit than most give him credit for, and he gives Trump an intellectual side that many don’t give Trump credit for, even though Trump is intellectually strong on his own. Tulsi is a long shot but she could be a plus on the ticket. We need the Senate to be strong, I like J.D. Vance, but we might be best off if he continued to be in the Senate, for now.

  6. I would be cautious to choose Vance. He used to hate Trump until suddenly he didn’t. He is a new comer and needs to stay put in the Senate. Choose someone trustworthy. Learn from the Pence,,,, mistake.

  7. Diogenes
    I totally agree. That’s why I think people like J.D. Vance need to stay put. If Trump were to gain that support the Lame Duck thing plays in his favor. Let’s hope your average idiot voter who decides enough’s enough and decides to cast their vote for Trump isn’t stupid enough to vote for their fav libtard. I know, that’s asking a lot.

  8. I still think Vivek is the best choice for the demographic he attracts and the Trump-like style he projects. 4 years at Trump’s knee would season him well.
    Vance is needed in the Senate when the executions begin

  9. I would still like to see him include Winsome Sears, the Lt. governor of Virginia. As a black woman she would be difficult for them to trash and as ex- military she doesn’t back down from anybody.

  10. All speculation at this point, but here is one thing I can guarandamntee you. 90+% of the republicans in congress will fight Trump at every turn. Maybe not in our face but at our back.

  11. On whose shoulders: I’m with you. I think Vivak is the right man now and can be the right man in four years. I’d be happy with any of the top picks though, and it drives me crazy to hear conservatives say they just won’t vote if he picks this guy or this woman. Think about what you’re saying. You’re saying you’d rather have four more years of Brandon than Trump and a VP you don’t agree with 100%


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