Possible Wolf-Hybrid Adopted Into Loving Family: ‘Happiest of Tails to Zeus!’ – IOTW Report

Possible Wolf-Hybrid Adopted Into Loving Family: ‘Happiest of Tails to Zeus!’

Resist the Mainstream:
A unique dog in Middletown, Rhode Island, will spend the rest of his days with a permanent, loving family.

Not long ago, the Potter League for Animals was trying to find a home for Zeus, a four-year-old dog that is German shepherd, husky, and possibly part wolf, WJAR reported Monday.

“Zeus is about as fine a canine specimen as you could possibly imagine,” the league said in a social media post a few weeks ago: more

14 Comments on Possible Wolf-Hybrid Adopted Into Loving Family: ‘Happiest of Tails to Zeus!’

  1. Many years ago, a stranger stopped by the shop trying to give away his last puppy. Cute little pup. German Shepherd/Akita mix. When it was grown, it looked like this dog except it was bigger and more muscular than this dog. Everyone asked where I got a wolf. Lived 17 years. I still miss her.

  2. joe6
    I don’t know. When I was young a pretty I had a girl friend that showed up one day with a Pit Bull pup. Right out of the blue. 5 months later she’s tooling down the road and that mutt took a chunk of meat right out of her face. She stopped me from killing the dog. But she wasn’t paying attention to her father. The only human influence that dog had was kind. It’s in the breed.

  3. joe6pak

    And the antidote to that K9crap is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The only truly American Breed. Fascinating story. Google it. And the AKA continues to ignore them. Ralston Purina use to award the most Heroic Act by A Dog Award. Chesapeakes won that award like 10 years running. My fav was a family fishing the Salmon River up in I da Hoe. Toddler falls in the raging waters, Chessie jumps in and grabs him by the collar. Chessie thought process, hmm, I could swim right to shore here, but that’s not where he fell in. Fuck it, I’m swimming up stream with this little human. He did. Got him home safe. Lot’s of good stuff if you google it.
    When my family was young we had Bud the Chessie. Bud was short for Budweiser because that sob use to drain my beer while I was washing my truck. Grab it right by the neck, tip it up, gone.
    Lot’s of other young families around us. Great times. Old Bud became the neighbor hood weekend baby sitter. Boundary, or front lawn. Nobody in, nobody out. Our neighbors would call ahead to collect their kids, but trusted old Bud with their lives. Dang I miss that dog.

  4. Bud, now there is a good dog. There’s a few breeds that you can trust your little kids with. It sounds like a Chesapeake Bay Retriever is one of them. A good dog is a genuine member of the family.

  5. Friends had a wolf/German Shepherd hybrid. They said it helped remove the hip problem that shepherds have.
    We had a Samoyed/German Shepherd mix. Pretty docile, barked some… but had flashes of truly feral, usually involving getting between her and food.
    I knew a pit/lab mix. Super friendly… and would grab my hand in his teeth so I would stay there to pet him more. Just the right amount of pressure to hold my hand without breaking the skin. I had to pry his mouth open to get away, although he never hurt me. It’s in their DNA people. Definitely do not trust any pit bull type. Or any wolf type.

  6. I researched the breed and owners before I bought an American Staffordshire Terrier, best dog I’ve ever owned.
    Attentive, loyal and protective. Even though we lived on 12 acres, she stayed on a leash. Her domain was the house. I spent a fair amount of time away from my family, work related. I never feared for their safety. If I weren’t so damned old, I’d buy another.

  7. I used to help a fellow who set up a place for wolves and wolf-hybrids that had once been pets. Each had a large chainlink enclosure, and they were fed roadkill.
    Most of them were quite similar to dogs in their behavior, but each wound up there for a reason.
    There was one, however, that was clearly not like the others. She was very reclusive and would even drag her food back into the woods and just… become invisible. She was clearly stressed by the other dogs as well. I decided to make her my project.
    I would lie down outside her enclosure with my back turned and just take a nap for half an hour. I did this summer and winter for a year and a half. One day, I awoke to an almost inaudible whine. I turned my head and saw her lying next to me, her body pushed up hard against the chainlink. I slowly rolled over and we stared at each other for a few minutes, each avoiding direct eye contact. I began to mimic her soft whines and she joined in, getting louder and louder until we were both howling.
    In the end, she hung her head and pawed at the fence. I took the chance – I pet a wolf.

  8. By the way, I would not have blamed the animal if that didn’t turn out well. She was a wolf and could not be otherwise. And I certainly never would have gone in the enclosure while she was loose in there.

    It was a magical experience that took years of study and 18 months of effort to pull off.


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