Poster in School Supporting the President of the United States Sparks Outrage – IOTW Report

Poster in School Supporting the President of the United States Sparks Outrage

I don’t recall much outrage over the tongue bathing Obama received in just about every classroom in America.

The College Fix-

Principal Giles also expressed to News 3’s Mikhaela Singleton he views all parents and students as members of the Long Cane Middle School family. He says he would never want any person to feel excluded because of political beliefs.

Both Principal Giles and Director Stephen say they hope all parents and caregivers will take advantage of their open doors to voice their concerns.

“We care about our students and what they learn. We care about the environment that they learn in. We want it to be a safe learning environment, we also want it to be an open environment. So if there are concerns, we like to know those so we can make changes if that’s necessary,” Stephen says.



18 Comments on Poster in School Supporting the President of the United States Sparks Outrage

  1. So, were the opposition party protestors denied the space to make their own bulletin board display? That’s when they’d have a bitch.

    I suppose a bulletin board showing the oppressive, NON-progress of the progressive party or socialist DEMONCRAT party might be an eye opener. Antifa, abortion, the eighty or so gender choices, oppression of freedom, the re-write of history, or hey, the invasion of ILLEGALS.

  2. Incidentally, in case you missed it. Obama’s statement on McCain said they shared the same vision for America.

    That’s why there was nothing to fear from an Obama presidency.

  3. Welcome to the Groupthink mentality of the little Liberal dictators in Lockstep with Stupid, in our dysfunctional school systems who are experts at bossing around kids on a daily basis tossing history and creativity the dumpster in favor of their latest Poop-Du-Jour conformity tour.
    Aaaaaaaaannnnnd for recess, let’s all play “Who’s The Fascist”

  4. “Libs love to drag kids into politics and indoctrinate them.”

    Leftists and homosexuals (redundancy) reproduce the way parasitic birds do — at the expense of the children of others, while the parents foot the bill.

  5. This is another teachable moment.
    The Left has focused it’s ire on DJT.
    The marching orders are: Anything positive about the ones the Leftist overlords decide is bad is Verboten!
    You will like who we say
    You will hate who we say
    You will buy what we say
    You will live how we say and
    You will die when we say

  6. Edumacation.
    Leftists, commies and libtards are not concerned with educating children who might grow up to question the Party Leaders.
    No. Instead they seek to produce indoctrinated sheeple, bleating the Party Line, in quantities sufficient to overwhelm opposition
    by sheer mass.
    They have been quite successful thus far.
    Their vision of the future is pretty grim for the herd but holds some promise for the Leaders.
    Ponder these if you have some time-

    Wake up Americans!

  7. Principal Giles states, “we want it to be a safe learning environment” and “we also want it to be an open environment”.
    In other words, one triggered persons safety trumps openness. Giles needs to reflect before spouting off meaningless Mission Statement talking points.

  8. Bring out the whiners, bring out the whiners. So we can assemble all the sane before them & force them to grovel before them, asking for forgiveness for not whining about the same leftist bs too.

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