Pot → Kettle → Black – IOTW Report

Pot → Kettle → Black

Yahoo! News

President Biden called Nicaragua’s elections a “sham” Sunday evening, ahead of the expected win of President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo.

Details: Biden said the “pantomime election” was “neither free nor fair, and most certainly not democratic” More

10 Comments on Pot → Kettle → Black

  1. Wonder if he’ll project his incestuous pedophilia on Ortega next, probably true because that’s what powerful Commies do, but will still be pretty fucking funny coming from HIM…

  2. So the Clown’s are ticked off because they’re voting machines weren’t connected to the internet and couldn’t possibly fix things? You know, for the good of the people.
    Hey, send Jimmy down there stat.


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