But I’m Looking Right At It For Free – IOTW Report

But I’m Looking Right At It For Free

A portrait of something was snatched up out of the private collection of a photographer for a reported $1.5 million.

What do you suppose it was? Who bought it?



24 Comments on But I’m Looking Right At It For Free

  1. I know bullshit when I see it.
    This claim garnered tons of free publicity.
    The next (real) jackass dupe will say “I’m getting a real Abosch tomato picture for only $100 grand! What a bargain!”
    Huckster Abosch laughs all the way to the bank

  2. Art? Sometimes stupid, sometimes beautiful and inspiring.

    Drunken men with too much money and too little brains? Definitely Stupid.

    Art “Critics” who pander to the above? Absolutely Worthlessly Stupid.

  3. Ireland is NOT the “spiritual home” of the potato. Peru is. Douchery abounds in this story on all sides. Not the artist. He just took the “picture”. The businessman and the “presstitute” are the douches here.

  4. Many members of my forebears’ family died in The Great Potato Famine of 1840-41.


    *shrieks and flings self headfirst into “safe space.”*

  5. I applaud this.
    By taking the requirement of even a minimal level of talent or effort from what constitutes ‘art’, we now know were to set the value of it and can set a place for it to die beside the memorial to the Pet Rock.
    That way a new name can be attached top what is produced by those with talent willing to put forth effort.

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