POTUS called Dem. Jerry Nadler last month while he was in the hospital – IOTW Report

POTUS called Dem. Jerry Nadler last month while he was in the hospital

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump called Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler last month while he was in the hospital after nearly passing out, according to a Yahoo News report Monday.

Nadler appeared weak and slumped over in his chair while attending a press conference with New York Mayor and presidential hopeful Bill de Blasio on the importance of expanding speeding cameras in school zones.

While Nadler was being treated for dehydration in the hospital, Trump called Nadler and told him he was “tough,” Yahoo News reported. The president also wished Nadler well and asked if there was anything he could do to help without any discussion of politics. MORE

11 Comments on POTUS called Dem. Jerry Nadler last month while he was in the hospital

  1. “Trump called Nadler and told him he was “tough”.

    To which Nadler replied, “you ain’t dat tough Trumpy,
    We’re still gonna impeach yoots”.

  2. The call was followed by a very generous delivery of Nadler’s favorite heart clogging sweets that filled most of the room.
    The famished porker immediately began cramming his mouth with a fury until nursing staff together with orderlies managed to strap him down and sedate him.

  3. Did PRESIDENT Trump tell Fairy Nadless to go PHUCK himself before he hung up?

    Uhhhhhh….note to dems.

    You can’t impeach a guy just because you don’t like him.

  4. Shows that our president is a true Christian. Others may see this differently, but I believe he cares about ALL U.S. citizens and has genuine concern for the sick.


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