Power-drunk: LA health inspector is caught on camera clapping her hands and dancing after INCORRECTLY shutting down brewery on Super Bowl Sunday over COVID guidelines – IOTW Report

Power-drunk: LA health inspector is caught on camera clapping her hands and dancing after INCORRECTLY shutting down brewery on Super Bowl Sunday over COVID guidelines

This infected ass cyst starts dancing after ruining a man’s livelihood.

She should go right to hell. No stopping.

See this shitty human being HERE

ht/ forcibly deranged

27 Comments on Power-drunk: LA health inspector is caught on camera clapping her hands and dancing after INCORRECTLY shutting down brewery on Super Bowl Sunday over COVID guidelines

  1. “What Constitutional rights? Doncha know there’s a pandemic going on? We are working very hard to invent new strains of the virus so we can prolong our dictatorial control for at least two years.”

  2. Ahh, I think I see the problem. Her name is Jatinder Chhabra. She ain’t from around here. That’s the problem with indiscriminate immigration. People from third world shit holes don’t hold capitalism in the same high regard as ourselves. In fact they look down upon it. Like our federal and state governments do.

  3. Lawsuit: personal and professional; for income lost, for any and ALL reasons.
    Normally, I’m on the side of the little guy, the taxpayer. So I say, sue the individual, not the organization, those moneys come from the taxpayer. BUT — in this case, I say, sue them both, the person and the organization.

  4. I was at a public meeting and would not let up when I ask how many businesses their mismanaged and way behind scheduled project had managed to kill. I kept getting the run around and “I’ll have to circle back” routine from the bitch. I knew the answer before I even ask the question. When I was told my time is up and left the microphone each and every one of the next ten people simply demanded an answer to the same question. Finally the bitch responded: We have only lost five businesses and then with a smirk on her face added – they were never going to make it anyway.

    To say she is lucky to not have been torn limb from limb by the remaining small business owners who were there is an understatement. If the police were not there she wouldn’t have gotten out alive.

  5. @JDHASTY: And probably shouldn’t have. I suspect it is going to take some serious and consequential “unpleasantness” directed at those assclowns before any real change is made.

  6. Speaking of small businesses…..


    did anyone else get drafted into working in a barbecue joint today?

    And then leave without getting barbecue?

    I barely know the owners. “Hey, can you come here for a sec?” Turned into 5 hours on the clock… weird.

    Small town livin’ I guess.

  7. Absolutely sickening how quickly leftists can become the gestapo. Boggles my mind because I cannot imagine wanting to tell someone else what to do but these people live for it.
    “Never again?”
    Sadly, it could happen all over again.
    I agree with TimBuktu, the minute this witch pulled up and saw that American flag outside her evil leftist mind was made up.

  8. There soon will be hundreds of thousands of these types in every city and town in the country. Social justice warriors with their fake college degrees will become the new red guard (paid for by your tax dollars) fettering out and punishing politically incorrect behavior from anyone on their hit list.

  9. Whoa. @anonymous.

    There is not one man on the LA Board of Supervisors?

    That explains everything about that festering pustule of a county.

    Diversity does not include genitalia.


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