Powerful Message From A Prior Democrat – IOTW Report

Powerful Message From A Prior Democrat

The end of the video made me want to shout, “AMEN!”

8 Comments on Powerful Message From A Prior Democrat

  1. It’s a good start voting for President Trump on November 5th, but this man has to come to the understanding his suffering and misery are caused by the Democrat party he supports.

    He needs to get a clue and register as a Republican or Independent. If he’s done that, great! If not, he has to stop believing the Democrat party is “for the people”. The only people they care about are illegal invaders.

    Not a single tear from any Democrat politician will drop for this man they have driven to consider suicide.

  2. Open Borders, illegal immigration, Funding illegal border jumpers, Price of groceries, gas, income taxes, property taxes, Home prices energy prices, inflation, devalued US Dollar, increased crime, increased cost of all goods and services, funding International wars, Congress raising their salary and office staff, depleting the strategic Petroleum Reserve, increasing government hiring, depleting Military ammunition reserves, increasing government salaries, funding programs that should be cut. At this stage what costs haven’t been raised by failed Biden/Harris Policies?

    Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer all Democrats (with the help of RINOs) have crippled US families, communities, states and this Nation.


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