PP Still Has One Friend – IOTW Report

PP Still Has One Friend

Given that Planned Parenthood is the greatest sacrificer of the unborn (in the name of science, according to them), it only makes sense that one of their staunchest supporters is The Satanic Temple.

 Satanic Temple


 The Satanic Temple not only advocates for abortion on demand but also raises money to fight any restriction on abortion. 


I wonder how many Democrats are members of the Satanic Temple?


16 Comments on PP Still Has One Friend

  1. To paraphrase on old expression….the greatest trick the devil plays on mankind is convensing them he didn’t exist.”. So yeah there are those who think hell will be fun.

  2. Geoff, that is because both bands have you know, made “the deal”. Fame/Fortune here and now, but…the exchange is that in the end, the devil gets their souls. I wrote a song about that.

  3. In the movie “Funal Cut” with Robin Williams the opening scene has 2 groups of people with signs. 1 groups’ signs scream “Live For Today”, the other groups’ say ( If I remember correctly) “Remember Who We Are”.

  4. The Devil is a liar. He lied to Eve, and he lies to me everyday. But I know his ultimate destiny:

    “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”

    Revelation 20:10

  5. I think a lot of these jokers don’t believe in God or an after life. They get their kicks out of mocking and needling the God fearing people every chance and every way they can.

    If that means drinking goats blood and swearing allegiance to Satan, they’ll be first in line.

    Others are psycho paths and narcissistically so in love with themselves they could never understand the concept of a higher power.

  6. even steven, As best I understand them – they believe in the now only.

    They believe nothing is going to happen after they die.

    So no, roasting doesn’t even enter the equation. That’s for believers.

    So with no consequences, by their reckoning, everything goes and you’re stupid to not join them.

    It’s difficult for believers to understand someone that thinks everything comes to a complete end when you die. Mostly, believers keep “knowing’ differently and project that on to them.

    Hence your question. You presuppose they agree there will be roasting.

  7. King James Version (KJV)

    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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