Praising the Parkland Survivor Kids For Having Amazing Organizational Skills Is Like Praising the Puppet For Its Dancing Ability – IOTW Report

Praising the Parkland Survivor Kids For Having Amazing Organizational Skills Is Like Praising the Puppet For Its Dancing Ability

The kids organized NOTHING. They are the tools of adults using them as weaponry.

The Federalist-

…Rep. Debbie Wassermann Schultz aiding in the lobbying in Tallahassee, a teacher’s union organizing the buses that got the kids there, Michael Bloomberg’s groups and the Women’s March working on the upcoming March For Our Lives, doing social media promotion and (potentially) march logistics, and training for student activists provided by federally funded Planned Parenthood.

The president of the American Federation of Teachers told BuzzFeed they’re also behind the national school walkout, which journalists had previously assured the public was the sole work of a teenager. (I’d thought teachers were supposed to get kids into school, but maybe that’s just me.)

In other words, the response was professionalized. That’s not surprising, because this is what organization that gets results actually looks like. It’s not a bunch of magical kids in somebody’s living room. Nor is it surprising that the professionalization happened right off the bat. Broward County’s teacher’s union is militant, and Rep. Ted Lieu stated on Twitter that his family knows Parkland student activist David Hogg’s family, so there were plenty of opportunities for grown-ups with resources and skills to connect the kids.


14 Comments on Praising the Parkland Survivor Kids For Having Amazing Organizational Skills Is Like Praising the Puppet For Its Dancing Ability

  1. I want the non actor Blonde girl who say’s she walked with the shooter talking to him, and heard the Gunfire going while asking him ‘aren’t you scared ? ” Two or more shooters for sure !
    Hoggs needs to go away, he is from So Cal ( Redondo beach) and there as a plant… not a Student !

  2. Bad Brad : the evidence exists in his Redondo classmates Annuals, and Iv’e briefly seen one senior page with Hogg’s photo surrounded by his mates !
    ( some of the guy’s were wearing the shool team shirts even )

  3. I also yesterday watched a Video taken in a class room in Florida by a fellow student.
    Kid filming talks : (focused on Hogg ) ” This guy’s not even from here, hes from California, and he’s 26 and he’s supposed to be my Debate partner ? ”
    Hogg just made a facial expression that was ” shut up ” but not a word

  4. Plantsman
    Seen it. Plus the life guard episode. Why isn’t FOX running with this. Who in the F films an Anti Gun infomercial during an attack. This whole thing stinks.

  5. Couple ?s about the Hogg kid.
    There are photos and videos of Hogg being interviewed in LA in Aug 2017 about a shooting their and need for gun control.
    ?#1. How does a high school get to and from LA and be interviewed by media?
    ?#2. What are the odds that a high school kid gets to LA and interviewed on gun control, then HIS high school gets shot up? My guess is 1 in a hundred trillion.

    I say the Florida shooting was setup.

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