Pramila Jayapal Tries to Skewer Barr Comparing Portland Rioters to Michigan Lockdown Protests, but Gets Dunked by the Facts – IOTW Report

Pramila Jayapal Tries to Skewer Barr Comparing Portland Rioters to Michigan Lockdown Protests, but Gets Dunked by the Facts


As we’ve been reporting today, Attorney General Bill Barr was testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday and he’s been pretty much exposing the Democrats for the ridiculous folks they are over the federal response to the rioting by militant leftists in places like Portland.

As Bill Barr said, this is basically an attack on the United States with the terrorists attacking the federal building and federal law enforcement for political reasons. The Democrats’ reaction? Oh, the poor peaceful protesters!

Democrats are not only seemingly unconcerned about that but actually attacking the actions of the very law enforcement officers the radical leftists are attacking.

Barr made it clear he doubted, were the U.S. Capitol to be attacked by the violent militants, that the Democratic side of the Congress would actually stand up and defend it.

But when Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) had her opportunity to question him, she thought she could trap him, talking over him, making a ridiculous comparison between the rioters and lockdown protesters who demonstrated at the capitol in Michigan while carrying guns. more

32 Comments on Pramila Jayapal Tries to Skewer Barr Comparing Portland Rioters to Michigan Lockdown Protests, but Gets Dunked by the Facts

  1. “Ugly-ass gremlin, ain’t she?” -Dianny

    Lacking any actual medical training, I would say she had an unfortunate meet-up with a 12″ cast iron skillet.

    I just wish I had been the one holding it.

  2. …don’t get me wrong, there’s a commie Indian posing as coroner in Cincinnati, OH, pretty far from WA, but even though commies took over the county by gerrymandering and Section 8 some time ago, they STILL don’t seem as virulent as YOURS…

  3. clyde the snide
    JULY 29, 2020 AT 8:51 PM
    “Liberal, ugly and stupid all seem to go together.”

    …but does liberal CAUSE ugly and stupid, or do ugly and stupid people turn to liberalism to pull everyone down to their level?

    …chicken, egg, chicken, egg…

  4. “Attorney General Bill Barr was testifying before the House Judiciary Committee” Wait! What? He wasn’t testifying, he was being silenced….. I’d have bitch-slapped the whole lot of them….

  5. The female version of an “Edgar suit” that she and Kshama Savant share like a new pair of shoes.

    The sad thing is a close friend retweeted this exchange with Barr and heralded it as a triumph. I guess I’m not to be believed when I tell my Ohio friends that the Pacific NW protests aren’t peaceful-they are riots! Never mind that I live here. 😠

  6. My theory is liberals are so screwed up morally (e.g. murder by abortion, sexual depravity, socialism) that the evil seeps out of their pores making them ugly. People who are so angry at God are consumed by their hatred.


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