Pray ET Never Picks Up the Phone – IOTW Report

Pray ET Never Picks Up the Phone

Having just finished the 2nd novel in Liu Cixin’s “Three Body Problem” trilogy (officially known as “Remembrance of Earth’s Past”) I came across a video on what is likely to happen if extraterrestrial life were ever discovered. Watch

13 Comments on Pray ET Never Picks Up the Phone

  1. I remember reading a sci fi novel decades back where any star faring species who discovered another species that appeared capable of achieving space travel would annihilate that species as a standard practice in order to protect their race’s long term economy and survival. The logic is based on the belief that all species with the ambition to colonize space are, in fact, super predators and, given enough time to evolve will become a hazard to one’s own race with a high degree of probability.

  2. Hebrews 11:3 “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

    God is infinite and all powerful. He absolutely has created universes with occupants we have no clue about.

    It’s because of His love, mercy and grace God hasn’t let our world “collide” with more advanced worlds.
    He knows we wouldn’t stand a chance. Our space travel and defense are still in their infancy.

  3. I read the “Three Body Problem” a year or two ago. It’s thick and dense in much of it but wonderful in its scope. It’s a very high concept book. It’s great reading if you’re stuck inside for awhile.

  4. @CT Ginger, have you read the second book, “Dark Forest”? It’s what inspired the video and while still plenty of theory has more charm than the first book.

    I just started on the third, “Death’s End”, not sure how far I’m going to read this one, a bit grim starting out.

  5. Steve Hawkings warned the world about hooking up with aliens, they aren’t going to be so nice to us if and when that happens. I don’t believe God will allow any aliens to meet up with us. If I’m reading it right in the Bible, certain things have to take place. When the event happens, no alien will come within 10 million light years of our planet. The universe will see and stand in awe. That’s my hope…..I’m looking forward to the day. It will be an “oh $hit” moment for the wicked.

  6. All one need do is examine how “nice” Europeans were to indigenous cultures they raped & robbed.
    Do you think an advanced alien culture would view humans as anything more than cattle? And maybe find us tasty as well?
    More ‘Independence Day’ than ‘ET’ I would think.


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