Prayer Request – IOTW Report

Prayer Request

This is always the most difficult part of being part of this large community.

Yesterday I spoke with a longtime reader who is facing some very challenging times ahead. An illness that was in remission has reemerged.

In her words, “it’s not looking good this time.”

Her bravery is an inspiration. It’s very humbling when you weigh your troubles against what she is going through.

She spoke of her love for the people here and how we come together at times like these to lend support, encouraging words, and kindness.

Let us pray.

69 Comments on Prayer Request

  1. Prayers for her. Also for Fur, and all those who dwell here. It comforts the soul when you reach out for prayers and so many respond. Trust me I know. God bless all those whoโ€™s eyes have ever graced these pages. Thank God we even had the opportunity to come together for someone in need. Without this vehicle we would not have been able to come together and share not only our thought, concerns, laughter, etc. but the chance to reach out and ask for prayers in our time of need. Your all good people and I wish nothing but the best for all of you and healing for her. God bless you.

  2. Prayer for Someone Who is Ill

    Almighty Lord, Physician of souls and bodies, You humble and lift up, You reprimand and heal, visit ____ with your mercy for she is suffering. Stretch forth Your arm which is so full of healing and health, and cure her, raising her from her bed and pain. Reprove the spirit of weakness which is in her and drive far from her pain, wounds, chills,
    fever and weakness. If she has sins or transgressions, loosen, remit and forgive them in Your love for mankind. O Lord, have compassion on Your creation, in Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom You are blessed, together with Your all holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of

  3. ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’• I hope you feel the love and prayers from us all. Sending ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’• across the interwebs to you.

  4. I know not the name of the lady in question, nor do I know of her disease other than the single frightening word “Remission”, made frightening only in context.

    I do not know these details.

    But the Lord does.

    Dear Lord, please touch this woman, your daughter, with Your healing. Show Your mercy and Your might in this as in all things, walk around her bedside as her Ultimate Physician, reward her persistence in reaching out to touch Your robe with a testimony of Your healing. Do that in her life that You have done before and more, not only put that disease in remission but remove it from her body. Do that which the medicine of men deem impossible that all may see Your mighty hand in it and know that it was the Hand of the Lord doing what no other could do. The need is great but Your power is greater, so we stand upon Your words of healing, on Your promise that You may move miraculously, to Your Glory and in Your mercy. We are not worthy of ourselvrs, but we come to You asking, hoping, praying, and expecting miracles in the name of Your Son Jesus, and by the covering of His blood we claim it.

    We thank You and praise You for all that You have done, and all that You are yet to do, and we wait with joy for Your reply which is already on the way, but with patience that it will be done in Your time and sent in Your way, and we eagerly await the day that Your healing is received and Your Name uplifted once more in praise.

    And we ask this all in the glorious name of Jesus,

    God Bless,

  5. This is an amazing community that has assembled here.
    Prayers for one of our own. Most of us have never met face to face, but we are all very close.

    Itโ€™s kind of crazy. You all are special to me.

  6. Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
    All the best,

  7. I did get a chance to meet the late Ghost of Brig Gen and his lovely family. Part of our community, who passed unexpectedly not too long ago.

    Weโ€™re all familiar strangers. Still in contact with his widow.
    Stay in touch with your iotw family.

  8. Prayers added to all the above–God, we pray for you presence, power, and protection of your daughter. Please hear our prayers for her and her time of need and bring comfort to her and her family and this family. AMEN

  9. such a special group here @ iOTW … been since I first arrived here, back in the beginning of the Obysmal Regime. several folks posting on this thread have posted some beautiful words & I want to thank all of you for saying what you can, in your own particular way. Y’all a great bunch

    prayers, prayers & more prayers for our sister

    & SNS, I’m cooping your beautiful words … Amen

  10. Praying for you to have health of body and peace of mind.

    Although the Serenity Prayer is often suggested in trying times, I prefer the Audacity Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for a great life. I want more.

    I am praying for you to maintain your health, your attitude, and your faith. And, I am grateful for the prayerful connection of this online community.

  11. I knew if I waited long enough, SNS would come up with something epic, and he didnโ€™t disappoint, so I will just say ditto to what he said, and God Bless you, whoever you are.

  12. ฮœฮŸฮ›ฮฉฮ ฮ›ฮ‘ฮ’ฮ•
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 9:31 PM
    “I want to thank all of you for saying what you can, in your own particular way.”

    …not to take away from the prayers at hand, but just quickly on this…I asked for prayers for my wife here as she was undergoing a cancer masectomy, and I was awed by the outpouring of prayer support. Some offered Catholic prayers, others offered Jewish prayers, some offered Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, all the faith colors in Joseph’s
    robe and more, or simply said they were praying. I welcomed all and believe God heard them all, for all are walking in the light as they see the light, and all are praying in the way the Spirit gives them to pray.

    I am not here to pick among prayers. God needs no help from me in that. To me, all the prayers together weave a beautiful tapestry of faith and hope that no one prayer can do alone, and every one ultimately honors our Lord and pleads our case for our brothers and sisters before the Throne in a way that no one of us could do alone.

    My prayers are no credit to me. I only pass on what the Lord would have me. Of myself I am nothing, but the Lord in me is my everything.

    So I believe it to be for us all.

    All of us praise God in our own way here, and it is right we do so for He alone is worthy.

    May all our prayers touch Him on the behalf of you, ฮœฮŸฮ›ฮฉฮ ฮ›ฮ‘ฮ’ฮ•, and for all here who stand in need, some spoken, some not, that they may have a heart to receive the good gifts of the Father.

    God Bless,

  13. @SNS ~ “I am not here to pick among prayers. God needs no help from me in that.”

    maybe I don’t articulate as well, & hopefully you did not misunderstand my words, but you put it better w/ that quote above. I only wanted to thank all the iOTW’ers for their prayers, in any form that they could convey … such as my own pitiful utterances (man, I’m getting more maudlin by the moment!)

    & I do agree w/ you on “my prayers are no credit to me”. the Lord has blessed you w/ this gift & I so appreciate your sharing it w/ us. your words bring healing. bless you. we are all blessed by the Lord, we only have to find our talents & bless God for them

    as Rush always said, “Talent on loan from God” … so true

  14. I don’t know who I am praying for, but that does not matter because the request has been made and has been acknowledged by God. So with that said, I will offer my prayer for healing and/or comfort, and ask that God’s will be done.

  15. ฮœฮŸฮ›ฮฉฮ ฮ›ฮ‘ฮ’ฮ•
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 10:21 PM

    “…maybe I donโ€™t articulate as well, & hopefully you did not misunderstand my words,”

    …truly I am sorry, for I have cause a misunderstanding. I was not suggesting that you were doing so, but rather how heartwarming I found it in my own recent experience that some almost asked permission that they could pray in the way they were raised for me, or asked if it would be acceptable. I only meant that none need my permission to pray God as they saw fit, and that my heart rejoices that the Lord hears so many voices for those that I love that I welcome all prayer, and hope others feel the same about mine.

    Let not your heart be troubled. I only meant to be celebrating the many voices our community of belivers offer in faith support. God bless all who pray here and may God give us all we need to please Him in prayers and support each other in faith through Him.

    And God bless us all,

  16. My prayers are always with you my dear! Know we are all together in praying your health will beat this.

    Thank you, PHenry for your love and blessing!

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  17. They who walks with friends will never walk alone.
    We need not know your name as you are by our side.
    Let us help you on your journey, for our burden is small but yours is large.
    Our prayers are with you and so are our hearts.
    We all stand and care for you. May God Bless.

  18. Isaiah 41
    10 Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.โ€™

    May the grace of our Lord be with you, guiding you to a speedy recovery.

  19. @SNS ~ no troubles my brother … my only intention was to complement you on your beautiful words of healing.

    we are all instruments of the Lord & we are all blessed w/ your gift

    God bless

  20. The Lord says to the faithful to come boldly before The Father’s throne and let our request be known.
    So I am more than confident the Lord will answer our prayers, be merciful and prove his Love for a precious soul who needs a miracle right now.

    Praying that God grants our fellow iOTWrer peace that passes all understanding, healing and deliverance from pain/anxiety.

    Also, praying the Lord surround her with faithful, true Christians and angelic hosts who will encourage and strength her.
    My heart goes out to this brave lady who God knows and loves.

  21. One of our commenters was diagnosed with bladder cancer back in about 2014, or so.
    I don’t know if this is she, but the prayers will continue – God knows all and doesn’t need a name.

  22. You are behind me
    and before me O God
    You lay Your hand
    upon me
    Ps. 139.5

    Thank You Lord for creating this community.
    You are truly awesome in reaching us where we reside.
    We lift up our voices to You Lord for our sister, who is in need.
    Please lead her to your comfort, mercy, and everlasting grace as she faces this challenge.


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