Prayer Request – IOTW Report

Prayer Request

Jon Johnson says-

The power of prayer is amazing, and my family could use it right now.

My young nephew and his new wife have been expecting twins this June. The first was born on Monday. He weighed 16 ounces.

Everything seemed to have been going as well as could be expected. Twin one in the NICU but doing well. Twin two happy to stay with his momma.

Until tonight when twin two decided he was lonely and wants to see the world too.

I don’t know what the chances are for my great- nephews, but I know that any prayers will help.

Thank you, and God Bless.

39 Comments on Prayer Request

  1. Jon, may God bless you and your nephew’s family and allow it to grow into a large and healthy family.

    I grew up with twins as friends. They could finish each other’s sentences and they would know if the other was in trouble – no matter how far apart they were. I always found that profoundly interesting.

  2. May the Lord bless and protect those young lives, keep them from hurt, harm, and danger, hedge them round about to keep them safe from the spiritual warfare that these new souls will engender from the one who hates all that God creates that is holy and pure, as these infant lives surely are.
    Guide too the hands and the minds of the doctors, teach them as the Ultimate Physician, and hold them to their Oath before You to first do no harm.

    And Lord, touch their parents with whom You has tasked with seeing the souls You entrusted to their care through this difficult time, give them the confidence and strength that only You can provide, fill them with wisdom to guide their steps even as You did Solomon, and Lord grant them most especially much needed rest by giving them times their babies sleep safe, healthy, and content, and supply them with all Your providence for taking care of their spiritual and material needs.

    And Lord, may You ever hold their hearts in Your hand, let them grow straight, healthy, and unafraid, draw them to Your side as they will need You more than ever as the days darken in this sin-struck world and the guiding hand of the elder generations returns home to You. Lead them to Your righteousness and ever away from those in power that would lead them ever astray.

    It is much to ask but You are mighty, and it is by the only Name that is worthy in Your sight we pray, in the merciful name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  3. My prayers go out to you for these twin boys. May God bless and keep them safe thru out their new lives. My daughter Anne (Annie) who lives in the Nashville area unfortunately had a miscarriage about a month and a half ago and lost her 3rd child about 3 months into her pregnancy. She’s doing well because of her faith in God, and I saw her last week when she came home to surprise her best friend on her 40th birthday. It was a short visit but a good one as myself and my son and youngest daughter and my sons 3 kids all got together last weekend to spend some time together. Time with family is precious and I wish that we could get together more often, and I wish you and your grandnephews well and prayers for your nephew and his wife as well during this time. May God bless you Sir and keep these little twin boys safe, Amen.

  4. I will say the prayer I said for a couple I know whose twins were born way too early. I will pray in my religion so…. Mary, you carried Jesus, nurturing Him to the fulfillment of His mission. I ask that you hold these two babies in your capable hands until such time as mom and dad can. I ask Jesus to guide the hands of the medical providers to safely bring these children through the crisis.

  5. A friend of mine and former boss once had a pair of fraternal preemie twins. The boy, as is not unusual with preemie males, had his lungs so underdeveloped they did not inflate, requiring the quick administration of a surfactant to get them unstuck enough to properly inflate. It was touch and go there for a time.

    But take heart in the fact that I don’t know this story from when it happened.

    I know this story from working with his then 22 year old healthy, bright, and industrious son.

    The same Lord that inspired those doctors and made that little life to thrive holds these children in His care too.

    What He does for one, He can do for another.

    May you have a similar report two decades from today.

    God Bless,

  6. Adding my prayers up!
    Lord, thank You for this precious gift of these two lives. They are in Your hands. Please bring healing to these children, peace and comfort to the parents & family, and guide the hands of the medical professionals. Amen

  7. Prayers for all involved.

    In 87 mine were 3# 2oz & 2# 6oz which back then was ify. I had faith that all would turn out right and it did.
    They’ve come a long way medically since then.

    A doctor and a nurse practitioner today
    Prays for faith & acceptance.

  8. Harry FRIDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2024, 10:25 AT 10:25 AM
    Mine were fraternal wouldn’t work for them, although the hospital where they were born does have a celebration every year having their premies return. Very lucky we got momma to that particular hospital. Born in September and didn’t get home until after Thanksgiving. Veeeery expensive kids, but worth every penny.

  9. May the grace of our Lord be with you all, and protect the child and his mother, a safe and a healthy delivery, and welcome the child to the world.
    I Jesus holly name.

  10. Saying prayers for the little ones! Our son was a very early, tiny premie and he is a healthy, strong young man now and that was 30 years ago. Care for premies had improved even more now, so do not despair! 💞


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