Prayers For Crackerbaby – IOTW Report

Prayers For Crackerbaby

We need our family to come together to send out prayers for strength to get past a catastrophic life-changing biological family event that has fallen on Crackerbaby.

God will know where to direct that power.

We will follow up when appropriate.

Thank you all.

60 Comments on Prayers For Crackerbaby

  1. Crackerbaby, I have prayed that God will give you peace eventually. You will suffer for a time, grieve for her, and ask questions that may never be answered in this lifetime. God knows your heart. I pray that he will heal you when you need his touch.

  2. I left this on a previous thread, but this is what the Spirit gave me for you so I will repost here in the hopes that the Lord lets my weak words provide what comfort I may.

    Crackerbaby, there is nothing I or any man can say that is anywhere near to being able to cover your grief at your loss. All I can do is implore the Lord to send you His Spirit in your hour of need and speak His words of mercy and peace directly to your soul, yours and all those who mourn her tonight. Do not dwell on the manner of her departure for even in her extremety she may have found her peace with a merciful Lord at the very last; and do not torment yourself with blame or guilt as the troubled mind is not transparent in its purpose and you cannot treat wounds that hide themselves from you.

    Grieve in your time of grieving and be there for those who live and loved her, and help each other as you turn to the Lord together for His compassion instead of striving for understanding, for the truly troubled mind defies understanding even from those who love them well.

    Know as you mourn that the Lord is infinite in His understanding and has mercy beyond mortal measure, and in his love can be found forgiveness even to the final beat of the heart. Thank Him for His mercy even through your tears, and trust that even beyond the grave lies more than memory, and you may yet one glorious day look upon her again on the golden streets of Heaven and be glad.

    In sorrow for your loss but in trust in the Lord I pray, in the merciful name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  3. wishing you peace, love and comfort during this difficult time. my mother died about a month ago, leaned on my wife and good friend for support. ate a lot of ice cream, smoked like a chimney and picked up drinking for a couple days. not sure why all the ice cream, but life is beginning to normalize as i have had time to digest the loss.

  4. May you find the strength to get your through whatever difficulties you are facing. Take some comfort in knowing that your IOTW family is thinking of you and is keeping you in our prayers.

  5. Lately, I have been making a lot of little, specific prayers for my family members and a couple of friends. Tonight I send up a big, open prayer for you and yours, Crackerbaby. I will borrowing the kind and eloquent words of some here when I do, but I know they won’t mind. You have some strong and good people here pulling for you.

  6. pie
    Thursday, 8 August 2024, 20:39 at 8:39 pm
    “wishing you peace, love and comfort during this difficult time. my mother died about a month ago”

    …I lost my mother on Valentine’s Day, so my heart goes out to you as well. Praying He comforts you in this difficult time. We all must pass through the grave to be with Him, and even as I miss her I rejoice that ahe is with Him and no longer troubled by this old world, and that she no longer has to endure the failings of the flesh, and so too would I encourage you to do.

    I do not sorrow for her. She is with her Father.

    I sorrow for myself and my kin that she left behind.

    But its only for a season. We will meet again, and so too will you.

    With the Lord’s help and grace..

  7. Having lost my youngest son three years ago, I didn’t know how I’d ever make it through the crushing grief. I asked God to help me through it and he did. Godspeed to you, Crackerbaby!

  8. I am praying for you and your family in this time of such grief. I agree with others above in the belief that our Lord is so merciful and loves us madly. God knows our inmost thoughts and fears and understands. He wants us there with Him to comfort us and He will help you heal. His wings will shelter you. Trust in His love for your daughter too.

  9. ty, sns. sorry for your loss. we share the same loss of mother and belief in jesus christ. unfortunately, i tend to go rogue when shtf and need a good reminder of the ultimate sacrifice, the only begotten, jesus christ. always with love for one another and a heart of prayer.

  10. I know I haven’t been here much lately, but I think of you all so often, and am so grateful to know you all fill my heart whenever I read your beautiful prayers.

    I am sorry for your loss crackerbaby, and I’m afraid my prayers are not exquisite or lovely like some others’, but my heart fills with love for the God I know will help you bear your burden. You are in my prayers, may God bring you peace and strength. xx

  11. Praying for you Crackerbaby with the hope you will be reunited with your loved one someday. While a serious thing it is forgivable and sometimes the only way out for some that feel hopeless. We all share in Christ’s sorrows but we share in His resurrection as well. God bless.

  12. Crackerbaby, praying that God in His mercy and grace provide healing for you and your family. God loves you and He wants you close to Him to carry you through the pain to find peace.


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