Prayers For Eugenia – IOTW Report

Prayers For Eugenia

I have no details.

She is depressed over a physical ailment. She will not elaborate, but also said she will not go the hospital.

She requests the power of the iOTW troop’s prayers.

42 Comments on Prayers For Eugenia

  1. Eugenia,
    You have to look to the things you still can do in a positive light and forget the negativity on things you can no longer do. I’ve been disabled since 1993 with a few decent years from 2000 to 2004 and been back on crutches since 2005.Keep your head up, take a deep breath and tackle whatever is presented before you. As always prayers for you and all the others here that may be undergoing serious situations in their life.

  2. “In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”

    ― Aeschylus

  3. It’s a roll of the dice when you delay seeking treatment; Jim Henson is a perfect example. I can also understand not wanting to go anywhere near a hospital, neither do I, but when I broke my femur in 2009 I didn’t hesitate getting my butt over to the ER. Everyone’s situation is unique, please take care of yourself.

  4. Thank you for prayers, good thoughts and wise words. I called my excellent new Doctor who has made himself very accessible. Imagine a Doc who listens, talks to his patients when they call and has helpful suggestions to avoid the hospital. His suggestions worked and what could have resulted in an ER visit was resolved. IOTWR prayers are powerful.

    BFH – I wasn’t sure you received my e-mail as my e-mail account was locked by Yahoo for ‘suspicious activity’. Bull crap. To call their help line you have to pay so I have been told and read. Not doing it. Could be legit or could be a scam. Will e-mail my other account addresses.

  5. Lord, you know what Eugenia needs, give her patience, strength, Love and your pain relieving touch.
    Let her focus and feast upon all the blessings she has received, not upon her ailment.
    Remind Eugenia of all the Blessing throughout her life.
    She’s blessed and has shared her blessings, by blessing others.
    Thank you Jesus for all you have done and will do in Eugenia’s life.

  6. Hospitals are great places to get sick, and were so even before doctors became political hacks. You are wise to avoid them if you can, and it sounds like you are addressing the problem.

    And by God’s help and grace may you continue to do so.

    Dear Lord, please touch and help Eugenia with whatever burden she is carrying. I need not know what it is or her true name to pray as both are known to You, but as she has approached you in hope and in faith for this healing, please give her a witness to the healing only You can truly bring. Touch her body and her heart, reward her faith, make Your sign upon her that she may give powerful testimony to Your mercy and to Your glory as a beacon to us all in these dark and broken times. We thank You and praise You for the healing we know to be already on the way.

    In the precious name of Jesus we pray,


    God Bless,

  7. Eugenia, we don’t know each other, but if we did you would know I am a living example that Jesus lives and prayer matters. I had 9 operations in 2019. Came as close to dying without actually doing so as one can. On Sept 4, 2019 about 1am, when I really thought that was going to be my last day on Earth, I had a conversation with God. I asked him 3 questions. I won’t list the questions here. All I can tell you is that I had no stress, no worries, no fear. I am 100% sure the Holy Spirit was with me that night. I got out of the hospital right before all this C19 nonsense hit.

    Given my situation being is a bit tenous, I have thought about this very thing 100 times, and I have decided that I would not want to go or be taken to the hospital. I just cannot find it within myself to trust the hospital (especially after my vascular surgeon tried to push the shot on me about a year ago). I am secure in the knowledge that I am a saved soul and I will be with my Savior when he deems it is time. I trust you know Jesus also!

    Many people were praying for me that night and I swear to goodness I could feel it. I still tear up thinking about it.

    I will pray for you and know that many here will also.

  8. Wow, Eugenia. 👍 I have a Nurse Practitioner like your doctor, she is young and brilliant and gives me hope for future generations (she is also just had her 3d child)

    First thing I learned in the Army was that you need to find that sort of person if you want to get anything done.


  9. If it’s a mechanical issue, go to the hospital. If it’s a functional issue, I recommend Modern Holistic Health. They will work with you and teach you how your body works and what you can do to heal yourself. Remember, doctors and drugs never heal anything. Give your body what it needs and it will heal itself. Learn to be your own doctor. Happy gut, happy life.

  10. Praying you recover fully and that in the meantime, you stay strong in spirit to insist on honest answers, good and timely treatment, and that your decisions about your treatment be respected.

  11. joe6pak October 7, 2022 at 10:54 pm

    I can easily understand the reluctance to go to a hospital. Prayers for Eugenia are on the way!

    Dittos. I don’t know of one person in my realm of reality that wants to go to the hospital. The last bastion of trust is gone. I will pray for you Eugenia. On my daily walk, I will send up prayers. Do they will Lord.

  12. Sign me up! I’ve come to hate the medical system. So many gutless, dishonest, unethical doctors since Biden moved into the white house. We used to go to hospitals seeking help. Now we take a chance of going there and becoming victims. The doctors have protection provided by the government.

  13. Eugenia, I will pray hard for you. I don’t blame you for not wanting to go to the hospital these days. Maybe some alternative? We will all be here praying for you dear Eugenia!

  14. Eugenia, I pray for you. Let us carry some of the worry that you are feeling now. We all care for you very much and may our prayers ease your burden.

    I know from experience that the prayers from everyone here do a great deal to lift one’s soul.

  15. Normal day
    let me be aware of the treasure that you are
    let me not pass you by inquest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
    Let me hold you while I may for it will not always be so.
    One day I shall dig my nails into the earth,
    or bury my face in the pillow,
    or stretch myself taut,
    or raise my hands to the sky
    and want more than all the world your return.

    God be with you Eugenia

  16. Eugenia – I totally understand. In 2012 I suffered an illness that left me almost unable to walk or talk. Shook like a fish out of water. Doctors had no cure and told me that my life was going to be different in my remaining years. Some nights I told God that I’m ready to see him, and that I didn’t need to wake the next morning. When I awoke, I was mad that I was going to have to deal with my problems another day. After a year of this, I made up my mind that I was not going down without a fight. I took small steps, fell down, got back up, and kept going. It was hard. I got a tiny bit better. Gave me motivation. Took more steps, fell down more. Got back up. I have spent nearly every day since walking, riding a bike, and lifting weights so that I can enjoy my remaining years and it is working. I’m not well, but I can now do the things I want to. I understand not going to the doctor, because they told me that I was just going to have to live the way I was. I could not accept that. I don’t know your situation, but I hope and pray that you can find something that helps you in your life.

  17. Eugenia, Truly nothing is impossible with God. He’s our only hope. Praying that you trust Him to make the right decisions about your health. May God lead you to medical professionals He ordains for your health care.
    Be blessed always.


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