Prayers for Jethro’s Sister – IOTW Report

Prayers for Jethro’s Sister

Our Jethro’s sister is in a tough battle with Covid. She is currently hospitalized.

Please say a prayer. She needs some strength so that she can rally back from this vicious virus.

40 Comments on Prayers for Jethro’s Sister

  1. Jethro I will include her in my daily prayer. I believe in the power of prayer with all my heart, and I hope that it is in God’s will to answer them in the way that you/we ask.

  2. Jethro, praying in the name of Jesus your sister receives the correct medical treatment so that she recovers from Covid as soon as possible, by God’s love and miraculous power.
    Be at peace that God is in control and will answer “yes” to our prayers for your sister’s complete healing and good health.

  3. Jethro just saw this and I will let AA know as we are off to bed.
    Payers will be sent to you and your sister.
    Dear Father above please rest your healing hands on Jethro’s sister and restore her to full health.
    PS look after Jethro also. Amen.

  4. Dear Lord, please make manifest Your power and Your mercy to Your children here and everywhere by granting this humble request for healing. We are not worthy but for the Blood of Your Son, but on that Blood we make this plea as Your word instructs us to do, to Your Glory that You make Your sign over this man-made pestilence, that all may know that there is nothing any man does that cannot be defeated by the Ultimate Physician. Grant her strenght and healing, this daughter of Yours who is known to You and dear to You, and touch her family with the certain knowledge of Your coming healing.

    We ask this hoping, praying, and expecting, in the healing that even now is on its way, in the merciful precious name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  5. Lord breathe new life into her Lungs, body and spirit.
    Let her healing pay testament to your mercy and healing power.
    Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers for Jethrow’s sister, Jethrow and family. So let it be Lord.

  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and Jethro!! I’ve been picking up on strength with GOD and power and authority to heal. I’m sure lots roll their eyes but have FAITH!!!!!!!! And TRUST!

    Say your prayers everyday!!

    God Bless us all!

  7. O’ FATHER of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need; Look down from heaven, we humbly beseech thee, behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon her with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort her with a sense of thy goodness; preserve her from the temptations of the enemy; give her patience under her affliction; and, in thy good time, restore her to health, and enable her to lead the residue of her life in thy fear, and to thy glory. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  8. Lisl SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 AT 2:43 AM
    “SNS, your prayer is so beautiful, I shall write it repeatedly with mine.

    Prayers up ❤️”

    Thank you, but I’m just a flawed, failed man who’s still a work in progress who does not always speak and think in ways that honor my Lord, for which I apologize. Anything good you see is His Holy Spirit through me that He only mercifully grants me through the intercession of His Son.

    He alone is worthy of praise, and may His prayer be heard despite its weak vessel.

    I believe it will be, because He can use ANYONE. Even the devil ultimately serves His purpose.

    To Him be the glory, always.

    And thank you for uplifting this lady to the Lord in prayer. If we can do nothing else for each other, at least we should do that.

    God Bless,


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