Prayers For RadioMattMan – IOTW Report

Prayers For RadioMattMan

Mrs. RadioMattM has informed me that her beloved is in the hospital. He is getting the best of care but is facing some cardiac issues.

Prayers for Matt.

It will carry him through. He will see how we are pulling for him.

59 Comments on Prayers For RadioMattMan

  1. Another one of our nameless, faceless friends we have come to know and love. God has you in his hands, Matt. We have you in our hearts and in our prayers.

  2. RadioMatt is a good guy. I remember sitting next to him at the NW iOTW Invitation Only Dinner! Stay strong Matt, you too Mrs. Matt! Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

  3. Prayers and best wishes for a quick return to health!

    One bit of hospital advice. If you see a little double-masked runt pushing a ventilator/respirator and wearing a lab coat with a name tag that says “Tony”, RUN AWAY!

  4. Dear Lord, we come before you today to ask Your healing touch on one of Your stalwart and loving children, known to us as RadioMattM but known to You by his true name. Please Lord, take control of his case, walk around his bedside, guide the hands and minds of those who You have charged with his care, take away his pain, clear his arteries, quicky grant him full and complete healing to Your glory, that he may live to share a testimony of praise for You.

    And please, O Lord, settle Your Spirt on Mrs. RadioMattM, whisper to her in the quiet of the night of Your healing, comfort her in her hour of need, and strengthen her to her duties as a loving devoted wife as she carries on that he may have time to heal. Touch all those that know and love him, and share with them too that You have his healing well in hand.

    The need is urgent but Your time is always perfect. Make Your sign of Your mercy on him that men may see by the peace on his brow that Your loving hand is upon him, that they may be inspired to seek Your love as well.

    Lord, we wait eagerly, hoping, praying, and expecting to see him recovered by the Hand of God through the Blood of His Son.

    And it is in the precious name of Jesus we pray, Amen

    God Bless,

  5. Dos Cardinales are praying in the
    Sistine Chapel.
    I can hear them.

    ” Minga. Mingia, Minga, Mingia
    what’ll we do
    Mingia, Minga, Mingia, Minga ”

    ” Deum securum omniorbum aurum sanctum “

  6. Yes Prayers are being sent for Matt and his wife.
    Spent a nice evening and morning with him and a great group of iOTW people.
    Thank you miss ilistr8r. Hope we can do it again soon.

  7. God I pray that You heal Radio’s heart and circulatory system. May his heart rate and blood pressure be normal. Make his blood flow freely throughout his body. All pain must leave his body. Most of all remove all fear from him and his family and replace it with faith. Thank you Father. In the name of Jesus let it be so.

  8. I sincerely want to thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. They do mean very much to me. The smile you put on my face has done me a world of good.

    I believe in the power of prayer.

    Bless you all.

  9. Trusting God by His mercy and grace a complete healing for RadioMattMan. Praying also the Lord grants Mrs. RadioMattMan great faith to know God answers prayer;

    Matthew 18:18-20, The Holy Bible KJV
    “18. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    19. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

    20. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

    This scripture has certainly been fulfilled based on the many faithful God-honoring iOTWr readers and staff.


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