Prayers Needed For Judith – IOTW Report

Prayers Needed For Judith

We have a family that is an integral part of our iOTW community/family. Patriots all.

Judith is the mother of one of our patriots. She is the wife of another one of our patriots.

She had some hurdles to clear on the road to recovery after a sudden illness.

There is one final hurdle.

Prayers are needed.

32 Comments on Prayers Needed For Judith

  1. I will think of you, Erik and Judith, when I help my son rototill his big garden on Sunday in preparation for winter.

    May we all plant flowers – and vegetables – in the Spring!

  2. The Word of God tells us that there is nothing too great to overcome when we turn to the Lord.

    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
    Philippians 4:13

    Dear Lord, touch Judith strengthen her to her challenges, heal her body as her Ultimate Physician, bind your love to her heart so she has your Blessed Assurance that You will be by her side in all things, restore her to her loving family by making Your sign upon her to glorify You and that all may see Your mercy, and let them know in this, as in all things, that You love them all.

    And we ask this all in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,


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