Preemptive Strike – Fed Ex, If You Fire This Employee I Will Never Use Fed Ex Ever Again – IOTW Report

Preemptive Strike – Fed Ex, If You Fire This Employee I Will Never Use Fed Ex Ever Again

This is getting air time, and the only thing that concerns me is that Fed Ex might discipline their worker. This is the kind of guy that needs to be lauded.

Yes, the dirtbags had their right to free expression, but they aren’t free from consequence. The Fed Ex guy reacted genuinely to the calculated theatrics of the morons who are trying to get a rise out of people.

I can guarantee you the dirtbags don’t have a job between them that they have to worry about losing.

ht/ js

22 Comments on Preemptive Strike – Fed Ex, If You Fire This Employee I Will Never Use Fed Ex Ever Again

  1. I think he showed admirable restraint.
    If it were me, that fire extinguisher would be empty and be all bent out of shape, and that video would be inaudible from all the bonking sounds

  2. Well that is good news indeed! That is the way it should be.
    Now imagine if this happened with that phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic Communist Organizing Doorknob in charge. Loretta Lynch woulda been all over Federal Express like a two-dicked dog at a bitchfest, faster than a fat kid at a cake buffet, white on rice and stink on shit!

  3. Since the Supreme Court ruled flag burning is protected speech , congress should pass a law that labels it “inflammatory speech” giving the rest of us license to kick the ass of anyone burning the flag. This shit would stop real quick.

  4. That was one stricken bunch of snowflakes after he burst their bubble. Suddenly they’re checking their perimeter and wondering where the next punch is coming from. I bet the air was thick with, “Man, I shoulda throat punched that jackboot!”. After he was safely out of sight, of course.

    Spring is coming, snowflakes.

  5. We’ve got a new sheriff in charge, Mr. Donald John Trump. The hero FedEx guy knows it and acted accordingly, He probably would have done the same thing when the petulant prick was in charge.
    The good looking millenial kid that spoke up defending the flag was very encouraging.
    Patriots no long have to be afraid of being prosecuted for loving our country. Free at last.

  6. Rat Fink – really likedon’t the comments. Considering the other individuals comments regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on freedom of speech …. maybe they could change flag burning to hate speech.

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