Pregnancy Induced Cravings Left Women Thinking Soap Bubbles Tasted Orgasmic – IOTW Report

Pregnancy Induced Cravings Left Women Thinking Soap Bubbles Tasted Orgasmic

The Mirror –

“I would put the bubbles up to my nose and inhale.

“The experience was invigorating and soon I started tasting the bubbles. For some strange reason I loved the consistency.

“It was a sensual feeling – like having an orgasm. It was better than sex.”

Getting through two bottles of Radox bubble bath a week, Zoe tried to hide her secret addiction from fiance, Mark Smith, 34, a builder, but one evening he caught her with a face full of bubbles in the bath.

She says: “When Mark caught me eating the bubbles, I should have felt embarrassed, but eating them was so exhilarating that I didn’t care what I looked like.

“Soon I was thinking about bath bubbles all day long.”

Zoe’s addiction continued right up until she gave birth to son, Indie, who has just turned two.

A month later she had another taste of bath bubbles, but to her surprise the sensation left a nasty taste in her mouth.

Zoe says: “After Indie was born, the craving stopped straight away and when I tasted the bubbles it was horrible. The taste was disgusting – I nearly vomited.



8 Comments on Pregnancy Induced Cravings Left Women Thinking Soap Bubbles Tasted Orgasmic

  1. I know I couldn’t get near raw ground meat during third pregnancy, but ate rice check and bananas like crazy and frozen chocolate Hostess cupcakes.

    First pregnancy – Spanish rice. DH wouldn’t go out at 9 p.m. and get me an order from the local joint the first time I wanted it. He wound up eating spanish rice for the next 8 months for EVERY dinner. Made him suffer – pot roast / spanish rice, hamburgers / spanish rice, fish / spanish rice, scrambled eggs / spanish rice. You get the picture.

  2. Not me, but this just gave me a good idea. Some entrepreneur in iOTWr land could make billions! Flavored bubble bath – strawberries, raspberries, bananas, BACON!

    I get a share of the royalties, k?!

  3. As a child I like the smell of gas from the gas station, but now, it’s nauseating. Now I’m more into oxygen. And I’m still looking for that man with six fingers! I’m a gonna find you my friend, bank on it!

  4. That woman probably had PICA, and should’ve been at the doctor’s!

    As for me, the first one was toaster waffles, the second was Cincinnati chili (Skyline), and the third was anything with onions, which I previously hated.

  5. I never remember a craving with my first, but with my second it was canned chicken noodle soup. My poor two year old joined me in that indulgence more often than is fair!
    Also with my second, I could not stand the smell of bacon or any pork product (glad that stopped) – never even got close enough to taste it. Craved fruit and salads (and I am certainly no vegetarian!)

  6. For about a week in the second trimester I had the sensation of a horrid smell no matter where I was. I kept asking dh, “Where is that smell coming from?”. He would respond with “What smell?”. I finally realized it must have been hormonal.

  7. What is up with this new format?!? I hate it! It sucks huge! I hate having all those posts up where I can get to them all on one page! Who thinks this shit up???

    I demand Big Fuzzy change the format back to the old way right now!!!! Oh, and I hated that one too! And about this iotwReport thing…..


  8. My ho liked to smoke da crack pipe when she was wiff Shaunqueefus Chlorinatus Jones, my first little crack baby. I be thinking dat why he dumb, and shit, yo.

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