Family members said Gerloff was 8 months pregnant and suffered from several heart defects, including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW), a disorder caused by an abnormal accessory electrical conduction pathway between the atria and the ventricles.
“I told her it probably wasn’t a good idea for her to be outside shoveling,” a family member said. “She wanted to do it anyway.” Story @ NBC
I keep telling my wife that shoveling snow is not good for the health. Now I have proof!!!
Damn….Poor kid.
I hope they were able to save the baby….
Nope. She had a C-Section scheduled for next week. Baby was already named. So sad. 🙁
My condolences to the family.
But I can’t help but that some victim group is about to come up and claim Special Status (about the same as riding the “Special Short Bus”) in 3. . . . 2. . . 1. . . .
Poor little knucklehead. She had a power surge like pregnant girls do and it killed her. Sigh.
Where was the “man” who made the teen pregnant? Why wasn’t “he” shoveling the snow? What about her father? Her brothers? Are there no real MEN in her family?
Sadly probably not and probably not much good parenting.
30,000 people die every day.
The sadness is that those who need to die, don’t, and those who don’t, do.
RIP hard-working lady.
I’m not worried. I avoid hard work like the plague.
Are you my co-worker?
Agreeing with Geeknerd, where’s her mysterious impregnator?
But I digress, she’s probably living with mom while her impregnator is playing video games at his buddy’s house.