Prepac is a furniture company that creates the pre-fab (particle board) type furniture [company here]. The company was founded and established in Canada and previously opened a second facility for manufacturing and distribution in North Carolina.
The U.S. market is their primary sales market, and facing increased uncertainty about access, tariffs and operations their best play is to close shop in Canada and move all operations to the location of their primary customer base. Prepac is leaving Canada for North Carolina. More
See that kind of furniture every trash day wherever you go.
But it’s cheap and affordable.
Don’t set drinks on it without a coaster.
Cannot stand sawdust board anything.
Good they are moving jobs to USA, never ending market since sawdust board falls apart rapidly.
Another pin in Canada’s side.
Some more of this will wake ’em up. The US could eventually get 9 more states and 3 territories. Quebec is problematic – it has established French as the official language of the province. Pres. Trump has established English as the official language of the US. as it should be. All our laws are written in English, as far as I know.
My Scots boss pulled her Canadian division out quick as she bought us in the US.
This was several years ago and even THEN the Canadian business environment was too toxic to live with.
Even for a woman incorporated in the UK…
Target took a billion dollar hit to get out of Canada.
Seems to have been the best decision they ever made.
Canadian car part manufactures were looking to buy existing businesses in the U.S. or incorporate south of the border the day Trump got elected. I’ve read multiple articles in manufacturing publications about how Canada’s manufacturing base is headed to the U.S. Pronto. Mission accomplished DJT.
I had some of that particleboard junk when I was young and poor; a TV stand with glass doors, and a small bookcase. All that glue is heavy, dang stuff weighed a ton. It got left behind the first time I moved.