Presbyterian Minister Blesses Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in God’s Name, Volunteers as Its Chaplain – IOTW Report

Presbyterian Minister Blesses Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in God’s Name, Volunteers as Its Chaplain


Echoing the words of former President Barack Obama, a Presbyterian minister recently “blessed” a Maine abortion facility in God’s name.

The Rev. Marvin Ellison, a volunteer chaplain at the Planned Parenthood in Portland, Maine, wrote a column for the Press Herald this week to defend his abortion advocacy.

The Portland abortion facility aborts unborn babies up to 18 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy, long after they already have heartbeats, brain waves, fingers, toes and their own unique fingerprints.

Ironically, Ellison described Planned Parenthood’s work as “life-affirming.”

“We’re proud to be part of a highly professional and highly caring health care team,” he said of himself and four other volunteer chaplains. “Along with our Planned Parenthood colleagues, we’re committed to showing care and respect for the whole person, including her (or his) physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.”

He made it clear that he is an abortion supporter because of his Christian faith and values. Ellison also bragged about his influence on patients’ religious views.

“… I’ve now heard more than a few patients say to me, ‘Well, I didn’t expect to find a clergyperson inside the health center, but if Planned Parenthood says you’re OK, then you’re OK with me,’” he wrote.

Recently, he and the other chaplains hosted a service to bless the Planned Parenthood abortion facility.


h/t death is NOT “life-affirming”

30 Comments on Presbyterian Minister Blesses Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in God’s Name, Volunteers as Its Chaplain

  1. This is why I don’t go to church anymore. Instead of following Christian principles they simply change them to conform with the corrupt society around them.

  2. Presbyterians have women ministers. When you have a religion and then you start to water it down, there is never going to be an end to the insanity.

    The Presbyterians in my town have a modern, gorgeous church, and a female minister. But the pews are empty.

    Catholics all have faults. And we ended up with this buffoon Pope, but we aren’t that, thank God.

  3. I have nothing good to say to say about this so called clergyman. He ought to be ashamed of himself but he knows no shame since he endorses Planned Barrenhood. It’s no wonder I haven’t been a Presbyterian since I was a kid. How’s that worthless antigod social gospel working out for you?

  4. Presbyterterian is the official
    church of Sweden.Their head “priests”
    are married lezbos.Any questions
    about Sweden or Presbyterians ???

  5. these ‘ministers’ are no more than the ‘Witchfinder Generals’ & Inquisition priests … in reverse

    damn them all …. God will judge them … severely

  6. Left this false church a decade ago. This supposed clergy is exactly of the anti-Christ spirit that Jesus Christ, the Son of God warned us to avoid. It is impossible to be a Christian and believe that the murder of babies is okay.

    If you say that it’s not a baby I will have to smack you with a copy of a fifth grade science text book. A woman is not pregnant with a unicorn or Bigfoot. It is a baby growing inside her body. To destroy that innocent life is murder.

  7. Yeah, this present darkness and piercing the darkness opened my eyes (at 14) to the dark reality that many who claim to Christian simply are not and are often in fact the opposite.

  8. I tell liberals all the time, “I am for abortions big time, I want to quadruple the numbers, just not for anyone I know and care about or anyone in my family, I would never allow that. But for criminals, communists, urban elitists, I am all for it. Bigly”.

  9. Take a good look at him.

    There will be no horns on the head to warn you of Satan’s presence.

    You have to know right from wrong and watch what people do.

    This “Rev.” is not a man of God, IMO.

    ‘Well, I didn’t expect to find a clergyperson inside the health center, but if Planned Parenthood says you’re OK, then you’re OK with me,’

    Does your clergy have the PP stamp of approval?

    I’m thinking they aren’t as close to God as they could be, if they do.

  10. WILL

    I think it was not mid 60’s . My Minister ( NEW REPLACED BOBBY BURNS) abandoned the Bible in 1961. His Clan name was Nelson; I know not his Christian name; and care not. But I left the church in 62.

  11. He is like the guy that claims to be a patriotic, decorated veteran and says the second amendment has to go.

    I call BS on his duplicity.

    He’s complicit in baby killing by the millions.

  12. This and many other very left-wing, non-Christian stances are why my family left the Presbyterian Church over ten years ago. They have been heading down this path for many, many years.

  13. Swearing allegiance to Satan is the quickest way to be damned for eternity. This wicked warlock posing as a Christian “minister” has a head start ending up in Hell.

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