Presented Without Comment- a Public School Teacher – IOTW Report

Presented Without Comment- a Public School Teacher

He says he isn’t pushing his beliefs on the students, seemingly unaware that someone pushed his beliefs on him.

41 Comments on Presented Without Comment- a Public School Teacher

  1. The entire gulag of government monopoly day prisons MUST BE ABOLISHED. The entire violence-based government socialist funding mechanism must be abolished (yes, that includes vouchers and “school choice” too). Government MUST have ZERO role in education at ANY level. Charity schools, private, voluntarily-funded scholarships, business-sponsored schools, and other mechanisms to address financial needs should certainly be allowed and encouraged, but the THEFT from others AND the government control of those monies must end. Until parents are forced to finally be fully responsible for their children and empowered to decide on their educational choices, NONE of this will EVER change. Why are you willingly handing your precious children over to the government every morning? Are the signs not clear enough? And far too many private schools are becoming just as bad…so they need to be watched as well. Ideally, homeschool.

  2. What a smug self-righteous little prick. His attitude screams my progressive views are right, you are wrong and I’m going teach my students students what I believe they need to know.

  3. Does he know the whole LGBTQ movement is is to normalize the rape and sodomizing of children.
    And why does it seem the wealthier they are, the more their into children? To me a “minor attracted person” is still a f_cking pedophile and should just FOAD.

  4. How old is he, 12?
    He obviously is heavily indoctrinated and probably refuses to look at facts that dispute or prove wrong his wokeness.
    No self awareness and too much soy in his diet.
    Look at the pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. Poor nutrition. Poor education.

  5. Here’s what he’s really saying –

    “As a disciple of the Religion of Woke, I am qualified to survey the expanse of human history and render a proper judgement upon it. With missionary zeal, my goal is to place the burden of Historical Sins upon my young students. I will destroy any last vestige of their childhood innocence and make certain that they become the very embodiment of Guilt at the earliest of age; Guilt for their “whiteness,” their “straightness,” their “inherent bigotry,” and a host of other transgressions from which they can never be absolved, never escape. My students will learn rigid compliance and will know that my wrath is only assuaged by paying obeisance to the Flag on the wall behind me.”

  6. Anonymous Sunday, 12 November 2023, 12:52 pm – “…America is gone, destroyed from within…”

    Newsflash: While you may be correct in your opinion, this idiot is Canadian.

  7. I learned more about life playing baseball with my neighborhood friends as a child than this pasty faggot will ever know. It’s obvious he has never had an original thought and he will never have one.

  8. The best part of this is that at least us “dinosaurs” reproduce. He/she never will.

    Some of us even homeschool. We also teach our kids how to properly operate, and assemble and de-assemble weapons of war.

    Trigger THAT.

  9. When i was young i had a fear of teachers.Not because they were going to do me harm but because they might call me out for being an idiot.
    Home school,remember when your mom was at home all the time.

  10. Mr. Happy SUNDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 2023, 14:12 AT 2:12 PM

    I believe at one point there was an open season, but the stench when you gutted one of those prevented it from ever becoming a popular or actively pursued pastime.

  11. There is no redemption for these pedophilic freaks. The ONLY cure is extermination. A rational society would accept that fact and act accordingly.
    We deserve what’s happening to us for refusing to stop these willful assaults on normalcy.

  12. The little Marxist twit has “love and respect” for every deviancy imaginable, but searing hate for God, conservatism, real science and biology, national allegiance or reality in general.

  13. Setting aside the fact he uses numerous logical fallacies and false accusations to justify grooming children the key phrase he uses to destroy his detached attempt at pushing his communist pedophile agenda on children is this → “I teach that we all should be loved ‘FOR WHO WE ARE’!” In sane society people are loved IN SPITE OF WHO THEY ARE.


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