President And Chief Of Staff Removed From Democrat Milwaukee Host Committee For “Toxic Environment” – IOTW Report

President And Chief Of Staff Removed From Democrat Milwaukee Host Committee For “Toxic Environment”

Chicago Tribune

The two leaders of Milwaukee’s host committee for the 2020 Democratic National Convention were fired late Tuesday amid allegations that they oversaw a toxic work environment, a dramatic shakeup less than six months before the showcase political event in swing state Wisconsin.

The host committee board issued a statement saying that the group’s president, Liz Gilbert, and its chief of staff, Adam Alonso, were no longer employed by the organization effective immediately. The firings came a day after Gilbert and Alonso were placed on leave pending an investigation. More

10 Comments on President And Chief Of Staff Removed From Democrat Milwaukee Host Committee For “Toxic Environment”

  1. They allege that Alonso “consistently bullied and intimidated staff members,” primarily the women.

    News flash: Progs in any position of power are rotten nasty sonsabitches. In other news: The sun is expected to come up in the east tomorrow.

  2. “consistently bullied and intimidated staff members,”

    Made the AA employees actually show up on time, stay all day, and turn in finished work.

    Yes, that’s the way it is in Patronage Milwaukee, if you expect THEM to do the work, you’re creating a toxic work environment.
    The two that were fired are probably happy to not be there anymore.

    Expect the convention to not be ready and a CF rivaling the Iowa caucus….

  3. For any among us who are perhaps still sitting on the fence about the omnipotence of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, consider briefly what He has done for our country and this president and what he has done to frustrate our enemies — on a daily basis. Nothing they put their hands to succeeds. Everything they touch turns to disease and disaster. They carry the seeds of their own destruction. An evil tree cannot bear good fruit. This is not just an amazing historic time to live through in our country’s time, but it is amazing to see God’s grace and work in the whole of history.

    So do we and we must remember that every day. Pray for this president, our country and for our own righteousness.

  4. Pervs, pedophiles, and otherwise crazy people have a home at the democrat party: so long as they shell out money.

    There are no other standards other than admission being paid. Witness Jew-haters rashida tlaib, omar and the like.

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