President Calls Out Antifa as “Tough Guys With Little Arms” and “Swinging Clubs and Not Caring Who They Hit” – IOTW Report

President Calls Out Antifa as “Tough Guys With Little Arms” and “Swinging Clubs and Not Caring Who They Hit”

The president knows of what he speaks.

He says if these puny-armed tough guys take power we will have higher taxes, open borders and job killing regulations.

He’s right.


The president referenced the far-left protesters’ penchant for dressing up in all black and violently attacking others, often with weapons.

Trump preceded his riff on Antifa saying, “Republicans produce jobs. Democrats produce mobs.”



7 Comments on President Calls Out Antifa as “Tough Guys With Little Arms” and “Swinging Clubs and Not Caring Who They Hit”

  1. Like all punks they travel in packs to bolster one another’s courage. They single out those they sense want to avoid confrontations and viciously attack. At some point a few of these little scum are going to cross paths with someone who they badly misjudge and will be mangled.

  2. !!! MAGA !!!

    From what I’ve seen there is nothing AntiFA about them. They are actually PRO-FA by behavior. Plus, they hit and run or multi-attackers on an individual – then – run like the little chickens they are. Cowards.

  3. Did you ever notice the MSM never, ever refers to Antifa as “far-left”? But any group that confronts them is automatically called “far-right” or “white supremist”.

  4. “The only way to meet force is with overwhelming force.”
    (dead white dude)

    When the simpering soy boys show up with sticks, shoot them like the rabid dogs that they are – a stick could put your eye out!

    izlamo delenda est …


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