President calls out Raffensberger on conference call – IOTW Report

President calls out Raffensberger on conference call

Raffensberegr thinks the vote was clean.

Trump is frustrated.

Audio of call HERE.

36 Comments on President calls out Raffensberger on conference call

  1. Well, I guess they’re gonna try to bluff and bluster their way through. Would love to know which puppet master told them not to worry about it. Hope they got enough kickback payola to buy great attorneys. They’ll need it.

  2. at 45 min. PT asks who the votes were for when the woman put the stack through machine 3X! PT says they were all for JB. PT knows his election. The others know nothing–My guy won, I don’t care about fraud!
    The details will be made public!

  3. bob frapples

    Me? Hell bud lately my batting average sucks. But I’m not shy. Hopefully wrong, but not shy. Trumps got them set up five ways from Sunday with the EO, provable voter fraud and foreign interference into an election. My opinion is if he were going the route he would have done so by now. I think we are screwed. I hope I’m wrong. I think we might be going to war.

  4. “ What is with this guy? Why is he so determined to defend the massive fraud in his state?” it’s because he knows it’s the only way he keeps his shit and doesn’t go to jail. Desperate people take desperate action!

  5. joe6 — Jail might be looking pretty good considering the alternatives. If I welched on a Mafia deal, I’d choose a high security prison before I’d just blow my whistle, wouldn’t you?

  6. “It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.”

    Oh shit, now you sound like me and Joe6. LOL. No, I agree. There’s a ton of video commercials he’s shot trying to entice ChiCom Biz into Georgia. He’s unquestionably being paid off. Trump needs to INVOKE. I’ve been saying this since day one. The longer he waits, the less likely of him doing it is. I’m not optimistic.

  7. Brad, they stole the election, just like they will steal the GA senate election this week…They did it because they knew they could, and there is nothing we can do about it until someone is ready to fire the first shot.

  8. AA
    I split my available on line time, which is about to go to zero, between here, my fav peeps, and what I affectionately call, The Mil Spec Sights. Good people. Gun Savvy. Drunk bravado teenager shit. Yada Yada. What it boils down to is, in order to get Conservatives in the fight it has to be of a defensive nature. In other words, your average conservative gun owner will not arm up and head to city hall. Not going to happen, the Voice is on. To get your average conservative involved hey need to realize a threat to their family. That’ll happen around 2022. But by that time Kamel Toe Harris will have given complete control of our Military to China. We’re screwed,because we’ve been to comfortable.

  9. “We have at least 2 or 3 — anywhere from 250 to 300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. Much of that had to do with Fulton County, which hasn’t been checked. We think that if you check the signatures — a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County — you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged.”
    He continues: “We had, I believe it’s about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren’t on the voter registration list, so it’s 4,502 who voted, but they weren’t on the voter registration roll, which they had to be. You had 18,325 vacant address voters. The address was vacant, and they’re not allowed to be counted. That’s 18,325.”
    And the President went on: “You had out-of-state voters. They voted in Georgia, but they were from out of state, of 4,925. You had absentee ballots sent to vacant, they were absentee ballots sent to vacant addresses. They had nothing on them about addresses, that’s 2,326.”


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