President Chaos? Not Exactly – IOTW Report

President Chaos? Not Exactly

American Greatness:

All the stops have now been pulled out in the necessarily unorthodox Democratic presidential campaign.

The Democrats are simultaneously blaming the president for blundering into the coronavirus crisis, (though how isn’t explained beyond deficiencies of testing, which has nothing to do with prevention or cure); and with failing to extend the lockdown long enough (meaning until their election victory is secured by the resulting economic hardship). They accuse him of indifference to police racism, though his comments on the George Floyd killing in Minneapolis two weeks ago are identical to theirs, and of somehow being responsible for the extreme violence and destructiveness of some of the urban protests, but also of oppression and Bonapartism in threatening to use the armed forces to quell the violence if the Democratic mayors and governors don’t deploy adequate forces to contain the violence. Their latest trick is orchestrated anti-Trump statements by disgruntled former senior military officers.

There was never any question of just letting this one go as unwinnable, as when they renominated Adlai Stevenson to run against Dwight Eisenhower in 1956, or when conservatives nominated Barry Goldwater in an ideological revolt against Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedy Myth in 1964. The Democrats were never going to acquiesce this year in what has become the custom of alternating two-term presidencies.

The Democrats could never accept that Trump had really won in 2016; they found him so antithetical to everything that everyone in both parties in the post-Reagan OBushinton homogenized Washington believed good government consisted of, they would have to try everything to unseat and discredit Trump and banish him to a new category of aberrant presidencies—a freakish one-term nightmare. To this end, Democratic Party elders intervened to prevent the elevation of the Marxist Bernie Sanders and carried a faltering and effectively rejected Joe Biden, to the finish line. It was a crisp professional operation, but they haven’t ended up with a very impressive candidate.

The imperative of partisan victory is based on more than distaste. They know Donald Trump is serious in his promise to drain the (bipartisan) swamp. The closest the country has come to a sweep-out of the political class since Andrew Jackson, (whom Trump admires), was Ronald Reagan whose “Eleventh Commandment” was not to speak ill of another Republican, and whose promise to dismantle government was only retained rhetorically after he had succeeded in massive tax reform and a recalibration of foreign policy that by the time he left office had practically brought the Cold War to a victorious conclusion. Ronald Reagan was a great president, but his revolution never got around to the Washington establishment, which condescendingly regarded him, in the words of senior lawyer and LBJ’s defense secretary Clark Clifford, “an amiable dunce.” more

13 Comments on President Chaos? Not Exactly

  1. As has been said before, They’re not after HIM, they are after US! People don’t like to accept it, but there will be war. This is not North vs South or R vs D but, an ideological war for All the marbles. This is basic GOOD vs EVIL. We are now only seeing the warning shots.

    Prepare and always plan two, three or four moves ahead.

    “For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows he has a short time.”

  2. IF they aired Trumps almost daily round tables this would not be a contest so we have media blockout and their ‘reporting reality’. Sadly looking around half the country are too unable to learn the truth.

  3. No only do the Democrats hate this President, but they hate the fact, that the voter’s had the gall, to vote for him instead of the Queen Bee.

    He’s actually fixing America’s problems, and if he is successful, then they can’t run on issues or have anything to bitch about. That’s gotta piss them off. 😁

    Oh boo hoo!

  4. Hold onto your Mr. Goodbars ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Xhes and phouies.

    59 Minutes, that CBS Sunday night program just teased this week’s democrat talking point

    A 1921 massacre I never heard of in a democrat city 99 years ago and Trump is holding a rally on Juneteenth.

    Who knows when Juneteenth is? 13 thru 19, I’m a cipherin’.

    Expect TRUMP OUTRAGE OF THE WEEK for the next 5 months. Gird your loins.

    And drop out of all news coverage two weeks at a time or they will make you nuts.

    Next prediction….Wuhan Red Death cases surge in Oklahoma.

    They’re already playing that card in open states like FL and GA.

  5. I don’t think it’s the Libtards that gave him the name President Chaos. It is John (the biggest chicken shit asshole ever) Bolton. That’s right out of his new book scheduled for release any day. A cheap shot mofo piece of shit with a walrus mustache.

  6. @bad Brad
    You’re right. Both were a disappointment. No doubt.

    Spoke with my USMC friend last weekend about to go on his 7th deployment in 19 years. We agreed that both dudes, which we held in high regard at one point have disappointed us.

  7. PHenry

    Holy crap. 7th deployment.I know an older MARSOC guy. A door kicker. He was over there a bunch. I think the Marines like having those older guys in with the young guys. Probably a good idea. I also know a hand full of Mountain Trained. They all dropped Mattis like a hot rock. Saw right thru him.


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