President Creates New Federal Employee Category Allowing Him To Get Deep Staters The “F” Out – IOTW Report

President Creates New Federal Employee Category Allowing Him To Get Deep Staters The “F” Out

Federal News Network

The implications of this being fully implemented are profound. It is the most direct assault on the career civil service since the passage of the Pendleton Act in 1883. To understand why, we need to look at what it really does. Jobs that do not require a merit-based hiring process and that can be terminated at will are, for all practical purposes, another class of political appointee. So “Schedule F” is a more permanent form of political job. Unlike Schedule C, non-career SES and other political appointees who go away at the end of an Administration, Schedule F appointments would last beyond the Administration that appoints them. A new Administration could inherit hundreds or even thousands prior Administration appointees. An Administration that wants its policymaking to continue beyond its term, or that simply wants to gum up the works for an incoming Administration, would have an effective tool to do it. It could also affect current career employees by moving them from jobs with civil service protections to at-will employment. Say something a senior official or the president doesn’t like? You are toast. Here

Executive Order creating “Schedule F” Here

21 Comments on President Creates New Federal Employee Category Allowing Him To Get Deep Staters The “F” Out

  1. Wow, the guy that wrote the article is quite the whiner. It’s about time that political appointees of any stripe that can be appointed by a President or other authorized official within that Presidents administration can be let go by a new administration if they are inhibiting policy of the incoming administration.

  2. About dam time. Why would he wait this long to do this? Doc is right, it should have been one of his first acts.

    This is reason number #5,398 to vote for Trump.

  3. and another thing. I’m fed up with the ultra high salaries of these federal employees so good riddance. I dont g.a.d. if you’re an overpaid fed reading this. Grossly overpaid. You know what the word “servant” means? You serve me, not me serve you. Get the hell off my lawn and out of my garden. I’m tired of you taking my stuff. Bloated and inept bureaucracies ruining lives just because you can. Worthless bastards.

  4. If you fire them and deprive them of their livelihood they may have to leave overpriced Northern Virginia, which might save the commonwealth as a whole electorally. Too late for this election cycle. But it’s a move in the right direction.

  5. The Pendleton act was supposed to end political patronage, but has made patronage politics a one-sided
    major benefit program for the (D)irtbags.

    Far better if every .gov job could change hands with each new executive – then the best hope of not losing your job at the change would be to do a good job and be politically neutral.

    Doing it this way would be an asymetric advantage to the (R)s – the (D)irtbag party would tend to appoint laughable lunatic perverts, while the (R)s would tend toward normal people.(R)s should also favor massive impeachment of (D)irtbag judges for the same asymetric advantage – every (D)irtbag appointee is another chance for huge embarrassment and every time you replace one you make the world a better place.

  6. I hate trying to parse legalese. I can read it, I think I know what it means, but it all has multiple layers of meaning and consequence built into it that still eludes me. It not that the Ds will bitch about this now and then use it themselves when they’re in power — it’s just that I hope this has been as carefully crafted as it needs to be…

  7. Swamp should reflect the Corporate world. New guys take over failed enterprise, everyone fired. Make everyone tell new owner why they should be rehired. BRUTAL but effective.

  8. Good start, but doesn’t go far enough. Administrations come and go but treasonous/damaging bureaucrats remain entrenched. We need to address the ROOT of the problem, resident bureaucrats. Impose job term limits on ALL Gov’t employees as opposed to closing a Dept. here or there or reducing it’s size, or eliminating some program. ABSOLUTELY NO Federal employee should be permitted to work for the FED, in any capacity, for longer than 10 years (about a quarter of one’s productive working years), after which time they MUST exit Fed service and seek employment in the private sector. No connection with the FED IN ANY WAY allowed in the civilian sector job. Do this for all FED employees…NO EXCEPTION. It would then become unpopular to work for the FED and for FED employees to enact useless and harmful regulations/laws knowing that inevitably they have to return to the private sector for a real living. Once separated from the FED, if caught working for any civilian job that in any way ties to Gov’t (i.e Gov’t contractor, lobbyist, etc.) whatsoever, suffer the penalty….complete loss of retirement benefits. That’s how you drain a swamp!!!! The size of Gov’t would become self limiting, massive reductions in payouts of retirements benefits, and a thriving private sector would grow out of this.

  9. The Slow Road to Secession

    One administration will completely replace another, and their policies, and the next will completely reverse the former.

    Seceding always comes with political infighting and frustration, then bleeds to the people.

    The Caning of Charles Sumner will be replaced with The Caning of Charles Schumer.

    Secede, we hate each other.


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