President Defect, Joe Biden – IOTW Report

President Defect, Joe Biden

Which is as legitimate a title for the former VP as any other at this point in the election process. Biden is now however, as the media asserts, “president elect.” I’ll let Bill Whittle explain how the constitutional process of a presidential election actually works. Watch

This looks like the start of a series and given Mr. Whittle’s impassioned presentation, it’s going to be must see TV. – Dr. Tar

27 Comments on President Defect, Joe Biden

  1. I can not imagine him even getting voted as Sgt. At Arms in his local tree house.
    However, I can picture him as being the Gunga Din and providing refreshments of lemonade and hemorrhoid nectar …..but nothing beyond that.

    Also, Corn Pop is nothing more than his fantasy yet he hangs on to it like any other liberal fantasizes about their utopia.

  2. Bill Whittle should know that the North Dakota/South Dakota error was intentional. We are nothing but bugs to them, and they want to make it clear that they just don’t care about places in Jesusland. But they know that Governor Noem may be a formidable opponent in the future, as well as a proponent of Trumpism. The CBS tweet oozed contempt, but it reeked of fear and hate as well. It reminded me of how they went after Sarah Palin. Keep your guard up Governor Noem. You frighten them, and they cannot stand it.

  3. I got through. Whittle is absolutely right. I have threatened my local nbc affiliate with a lawsuit if they continue to use the term ‘president elect’ during this contested election. Irresponsible doesn’t begin to cover the skullduggery these people are engaged in. It’s treachery, dishonesty and treason.

  4. Damn! Bill Whittle is so good at distilling the facts from the Dementiacrat’s Bullshit and the MSDM’s Horseshit. No evidence of fraud becomes not enough fraud to effect the outcome of the fraudulent election. George Stephanopoulos lost about eight inches after that take down.


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