President Described As “Brain Eating Disease” To MSM – IOTW Report

President Described As “Brain Eating Disease” To MSM

NYC columnist and certified Trump-hating loon, Thomas Friedman, described the President’s effect upon his fellow journalists as  a “brain-eating disease.” Reporters are losing their minds for covering the President on a daily basis.


Well, he has been living rent free in the collective psyche of the left for almost three years now.

12 Comments on President Described As “Brain Eating Disease” To MSM

  1. Thomas Friedman is such a lightweight. He postures as though he’s some intellectual titan while on the news shows. It’s clear he has a limited capacity for trying to pull of that act. He gets air time only because he’ll regurgitate the leftist tripe.

  2. I love it!
    Two and a half years ago nobody would have thought he would even consider running for President. Not only did he run, but he WON a substantial victory over the one who was “guaranteed” to win.
    I bet there were quite a few “journalists” screaming at the sky the other day…

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