President Donald J. Trump – IOTW Report

President Donald J. Trump

Various agencies have called Pennsylvania for Trump.

This makes him the president elect.


50 Comments on President Donald J. Trump

  1. Something fishy is going on–why won’t the networks call it? Because the Clintons are telling them to hold up on announcing Michigan and Pennsylvania while they scrounge around for votes somewhere. Fishy Fishy Fishy.

  2. 274 and counting. Pennsylvania put him over the top.

    I am so freaking happy right now!!!!

    I just heard Juan Williams carrying on like a petulant child blaming Hillary’s loss on Russia. Knew that was coming.

  3. Now Podesta is heading to the Javitz Center but not Hillary. She is not ready to make concession speech. I am telling you, they are asking the networks to hold off declaring Trump the winner while they look for a way to win. Trump should just declare victory.

  4. This is a great day! We could have lost America for good.

    We all prayed for a victory. Don’t forget to give thanks for that victory and pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and guidance and protection for the first American president since Bush.

    Thank you Lord.

  5. NYT has Michigan Wisconsin and Arizona statistically impossible for Trump to loose but aren’t calling them for Trump.

    Guessing HRod is working on a Russian hacking angle. I don’t see a concession speech in her repertoire.

  6. NYT reports Trump with a lead of 1.3% of 5.9 million votes cast, with 50 thousand votes uncounted, yet no one will call the state. Is Soros still printing ballots or what?

  7. Let us not forget that he is only a man. He will need our prayers for the success for our country, and only as granted by God, as a result of our faith when we ask for His assistance. (Unlike the thoughts of his predecessor.)

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