President Donald Trump Blasts Joe Biden for Supporting Abortion: “I’m Pro-Life, He’s Not” – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump Blasts Joe Biden for Supporting Abortion: “I’m Pro-Life, He’s Not”

LifeNews: President Donald Trump blasted his pro-abortion opponent Joe Bide in a new interview, saying that he i the authentically pro-life candidate.

The president spoke during an exclusive June 22 interview with Raymond Arroyo, host of EWTN’s “The World Over.” During the interview, Arroyo asked Trump about the claims some Catholics are making that Biden is the true pro-life candidate because he opposes the death penalty even though he strongly supports legalized abortion, which has resulted in the killing of at least 61 million babies since 1973.

But Trump disputed that contention and pointed to the kinds of judges Democrats have historically put on the Supreme Court, who have steadfastly defended an unlimited right to killing babies in abortions for any reason up to birth and at taxpayer expense.

“I’m pro-life, he’s not. And the Democrats — look who he’s putting on the court,” Trump said.

“They want to put people on the court- you have no chance. So I’m pro-life, the Democrats aren’t. Nobody can say that Biden is, look at his stance over the years,” the president added, saying that in his view Democratic party operatives will advance a pro-abortion agenda if Biden is elected to the White House.

Trump also said there is no separation between Biden and Democrat governor Ralph Northam of Virginia, who said last year that he supported infanticide — where parents can just keep a baby “comfortable” after birth until the baby dies if they don’t want to bother with providing life-saving medical care and treatment. READ MORE

4 Comments on President Donald Trump Blasts Joe Biden for Supporting Abortion: “I’m Pro-Life, He’s Not”

  1. The antithesis of “Pro Life” is “Pro Death” – NOT “Pro Choice.”

    It needs to be said – over and over again.
    The nihilists are, most certainly, NOT pro-choice – they are PRO-DEATH.
    They brook no dissent. The confusion arose when we surrendered the language.

    izlamo delenda est …


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