President Donald Trump is waging war against former President Joe Biden’s green energy regulations on Americans’ household appliances.
Trump made the announcement in a social media post at 5:57 a.m. on Tuesday and said he was instructing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Secretary Lee Zeldin to oversee the matter, Fox News reported.
The president wrote in his post:
I am hereby instructing Secretary Lee Zeldin to immediately go back to my Environmental Orders, which were terminated by Crooked Joe Biden, on Water Standards and Flow pertaining to SINKS, SHOWERS, TOILETS, WASHING MACHINES, DISHWASHERS, etc., and to likewise go back to the common sense standards on LIGHTBULBS, that were put in place by the Trump Administration, but terminated by Crooked Joe. I look forward to signing these Orders. THANK YOU!!!
Biden imposed climate standards for some appliances, including gas stoves, washing machines, and dishwashers during his only term as president, per the Fox report.
The outlet noted that experts and manufacturers said those standards could result in higher-priced alternatives that do not work as well. more
THey jumped the shark when they tried to ban gas appliances from homes. We knew this was nothing but preposterous propaganda and the exertion of totalitarian control. Try to imagine the size of the cannonball we just dodged if Commilia had somehow “won”. The Communist field marshals working behing her cardboard cutout would be like pigs in mud, drunk, smug and arrogant with their power while their overloards in China continue building coal plants!
Every time Biden shit his pants he would get new underwear, didn’t wash anything. For the rest of us slobs would have to wash 4 or 5 times because his washers won’t work. I found an old washboard and large galvanized tub at an antique store. Hanging on to them for the next time democraps get in office
Also the crappy LED bulbs have shorter life because the crappy chinese electronics burns up before the LED’s burn out. My old incandescent bulbs lasted a lot longer.
Using coal from the USA to power them. I see those very long coal trains going thru our area all time on their way to the west coast to be shipped to China and the greenies almost aways throw a hissy fit every time that a coal train passes by, sometimes on a daily basis if not more. We need to ban both the greenies and shipment of our coal to China.
Those Turds FLY through the Drain Pipe with 1 FLUSH, not 4.
geoff – exactly. That was going on when HRC (the H is for Hillary, the R is for rotten and we all know whut the C stands for) was bragging about bankrupting the coal industy. Afterwards her nefarious intent was to sell our coal industry to China for pennies on the dollar and make 1000 times more than they stole for Haiti!
Can I prove that in a court of law?
Nope, but it sure is a puzzle piece that fits the Clinton MO perfectly!
A lot of the time I have to flush at least twice to get rid of bigger turds or risk clogging the toilet.
Kcir – Itz all about head pressure!
Just axe Kamalalala.
Many years ago when I bought my first house, it had low volume tanks and would have to flush 2 to 3 times to clear the bowl. One year on vacation I went to Mexico and found some large tank toilets. Bought 3 of them and I’ve never had to flush more than once after that.
Make them good and make them in America. I would jump at the chance to get cash for green agenda clunker appliances.
San Francisco doesn’t have a flushing problem.
Making appliances great again.
I’m tall, it has been harder and harder to get up off the kids toilet.
Found one online, 21 inch seat height, plus you can adjust the water level, up to 4 gallons.
Have my own well, pay little for the abundant water.
That baby dumps.