Obama still has not reached out to fallen Marine’s mother – IOTW Report

Obama still has not reached out to fallen Marine’s mother


In the wake of the tragic July 16 shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, families of the fallen Marines are still awaiting any contact from the Commander in Chief himself.

cathy wells

Cathy Wells, mother of Lance Cpl. Chip Wells who was killed in the attack at the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga, spoke with Sean Hannity last week about her son’s untimely death and the president’s silence.

“Have you heard from the president?” Hannity asks Wells.

Clearly pained, the grieving mother closed her eyes before responding:



17 Comments on Obama still has not reached out to fallen Marine’s mother

  1. look at it this way. he is saving us taxpayer’s money. Since he has been back home in Africa it would have a long distance call
    maybe when he gets back before he heads to Martha’s vineyard.
    I would like to know how many gay couples got personal wedding cards signed by him and the mooch ( or reggie)

  2. Crickets! Hell will freeze over before barry ever reaches out to her. Ain’t gonna happen, no way, no how, ever. barry’s too busy getting ready to release all his criminal peeps just as he leaves office and that’s far more important to him than a murdered US Marine.

  3. Someone would have to tell Obama that the fallen heroes had announced that they wanted to have sex with men, or that they were going to appear on a magazine cover dressed in women’s underwear.
    That’s the only kind of “hero” he’s interested in.

  4. Or muzzies – he sure latched onto the traitor Bergdahl’s parents – and having photo ops with them because they are moslem tards.

    He sure was proud of Bergdahl.

  5. I have tears in my eyes just seeing her picture. Such loss and heartache.

    The only reason I would want that bastard to call me is so I could have the pleasure of hanging up on him.

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