President of Belarus Reveals Map of Russian Offensive That Includes Taking Part of Moldova – IOTW Report

President of Belarus Reveals Map of Russian Offensive That Includes Taking Part of Moldova

Fox News

Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko appeared to stand in front of a map that shows plans to invade Transnistria, a breakaway state in Moldova, during a meeting that was broadcast in the country, according to reports. More
Watch the briefing here and the reaction of the men in uniform when they realize their president is using the wrong map. Here

8 Comments on President of Belarus Reveals Map of Russian Offensive That Includes Taking Part of Moldova

  1. Sec of Defense Surrender Austin, General Mandate Milley and the Joint chiefs must be assisting Belarus in their strategy and the need to notifying the opposition.
    Biden’s Dunces

    The Ukraine may end up with thousands of weapons left on the ground by Belarus and Russia. (that’s another brilliant Biden Plan that worked so well in Afghanistan)

  2. As I was unable to comment the last time this was posted, I will take the opportunity now to pontificate:


    Was this Lukashenko’s way of sticking it to Putin for forcing his involvement? A couple of years ago, he tried to move away from Putin, but was slapped down — vigorously. Belarus was the key to a full invasion of Ukraine and will be key to the taking of the Baltic countries and any moves against Poland.

    It is a logical move to use Transnistria as a protected corridor from Odessa (they don’t necessarily need to have taken Odessa). It has been the reason for its existence from the beginning. It makes it much easier to cut off Western Ukraine and isolate/intimidate Moldova, and by extension, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic — and it halts movement of refugees.

    This invasion is a cautionary tale for what will likely happen when Putin rolls on to Germany. NATO is a paper tiger that relies on the US being around to bail them out when things go south. Ukraine was a similar paper tiger whose bluff was called.

    I do not discount the probability that there is some dog wagging being done by the West here. Real people are being killed on both sides, we’re just not sure how many. I am sure grave miscalculation have been made by all involved, though many may yet realize their intended goals and some will realize unintended windfalls (never let a crisis go to waste).

  3. Hey! I thought Bruce Willis and John Malkovich had already taken care of the Moldova problem…. haven’t you seen RED? Silly people.

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