President of El Salvador: ‘The United States’ Ability to Use “Democracy” as Foreign Policy Is Gone’ – IOTW Report

President of El Salvador: ‘The United States’ Ability to Use “Democracy” as Foreign Policy Is Gone’

Liberty Daily: nnHistorically, when foreign despots arrest their political opponents on, pardon the pun, trumped-up charges, the United States government has strongly denounced such actions, citing “democracy”.

After Tuesday’s bogus charges against former Republican President Donald Trump, the leading candidate for president in 2024, people are noticing that the U.S. government will no longer be able to use that political cudgel to justify their meddling in foreign matters.

The President of Salvadore, Nayib Bukele, took to Twitter on Tuesday to highlight the obvious hypocrisy.

“Think what you want about former President Trump and the reasons he’s being indicted. But just imagine if this happened in any other country, where a government arrested the main opposition candidate. The United States’ ability to use “democracy” as foreign policy is gone.”

Think what you want about former President Trump and the reasons he’s being indicted.

But just imagine if this happened in any other country, where a government arrested the main opposition candidate.


15 Comments on President of El Salvador: ‘The United States’ Ability to Use “Democracy” as Foreign Policy Is Gone’

  1. Oh, it’s still “democracy”.
    Just democracy taken to the inevitable end results – “mobocracy” and “tyranny”.
    The Founding Fathers knew this is what would happen if the nascent colonies went down the “democracy” path.
    Which is why they initially formed the new country as a Constitutional Republic.
    Only problem, they didn’t put enough fences and barrier with teeth around the FedGov to limit its growth. Like what happened when kudzu was introduced in the South East, and rabbits were introduced in Australia.

  2. And what does your country El Salvador have to offer the world? Your poor? Why are they poor? You also gave the world M-18 and MS-13 gangs, the largest and most notorious in El Salvador. They’re here in our country under your authority. Surprised the cartel hasn’t done him in yet.

  3. @Goldenfox AT 2:41 PM

    I think his point was that the U.S. spokesholes can no loger claim some moral high ground, which other countries are pretty tired of hearing. They’re quite happy to have the U.S. taken down to thier level, since building something is much mich harder.

    Probably a little extra schadenfreude as the U.S. has not really been a friend to El Salvador over the decades.

  4. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    AT 2:41 PM

    “Only problem, they didn’t put enough fences and barrier with teeth around the FedGov to limit its growth.”

    …they gave us the Second Amendment and instructions on how to use it.

    Not their fault we failed to use them.

  5. “Not their fault we failed to use them.”

    Gentlemen, it’s not quite over yet. This day and age of Low T and No T there are still some men out there. And they’re getting pissed off.

  6. Bukele is the enemy of the left here and in all the western world. He is imprisoning gangbangers and working to improve conditions for the citizens of El Salvador. How corrupt is his administration? No telling, but corruption is and always has been endemic throughout the latin world, we have recently caught up with them on that score here in the remains of the US.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend (at least temporarily) and the left in all its ugly tumescence is my enemy so Bukele looks pretty darn good.

  7. @ grayjohn at 4:13 pm,
    BUT!!!! That is what our “leaders” are always spewing…. wasn’t it rbg who suggested that the U.S. Constitution wasn’t a good template for newly democratized nations?

  8. I think his point was that the U.S. spokesholes can no loger claim some moral high ground, which other countries are pretty tired of hearing.

    Why are “they” tired of hearing it, that we are a moral country? I’d like to know by whose standards. Our morals are gone, not even the church can hold it together. However, how does that saying go Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. With that being said, what country do we hold to high moral standards? All I’m saying is, no country needs to talk about another countries morals. Before prayer was eradicated in the schools, I’d say we had morals and values. I guess with Hollywood being an idol to worship, we allowed evil to become law. Now we cater to the faggots, an egregious act against God, one that he destroyed cities over. I can see clearly where we’re headed, and it’s full steam ahead.


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